Eric Test | Final Test - Hard

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Eric Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Rincewind asks where he and Eric are, what does he think is Urglefloggah's answer?

2. Why wasn't Urglefloggah allowed at the Club 18,000-30,000 holiday?

3. What does the unguarded portal allow to enter Hell?

4. How is the Tsortean army defending the central citadel?

5. Who does Astfgl meet at the end of the universe?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Lavaeolus' reunion with Rincewind and Eric.

2. Describe Hell's demons.

3. What is different about Hell's boredom from the boredom that Rincewind likes?

4. How do Eric's three wishes result in happy endings?

5. Describe "the bill" where Rincwind and Eric are transported after leaving Tsort.

6. What is surprising about what Eric wants to be when he grows up?

7. Describe Duke Vassenego.

8. How is the Luggage instrumental in Rincewind's capture by Astfgl and escape escape from Hell?

9. What indications are present in the novel that imply Rincewind and Lavaeolus are related?

10. Why is Astfgl so desperate to find Rincewind and Eric?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The Tezumen possess a thirty foot statue of their god, Quezovercoatl. Analyze the character of god and imp, Quezovercoatl, and determine how he is a cautionary tale.

a) What character flaws does Quezovercoatl possess? In what ways does Quezovercoatl overcome his short comings? What are Quezovercoatl's motivations for driving the Tezumen to worship him?

b) What is humorous about Quezovercoatl's situation as the Tezuman god? What is humorous about Astfgl's anger with him? In what ways does Quezovercoatl overcome his short comings?

c) What moral can be found in his fate? How is the way he died ironic? What does the Tezumen reaction to his death reveal about their regard for him?

Essay Topic 2

Eric's wishes do not go exactly as he planned. Determine if the overall result of Eric's wishes is positive or negative. What are the immediate results of each wish? What are the long term results of each?

Essay Topic 3

Define the nature of religion in the novel. What forms does religion take? How is it received by the main characters? What comedic effect does the form of religion have? Is there a general mood toward religion? Is the main characters' encounters with religion beneficial or detrimental in nature?

(see the answer keys)

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