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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who has the military bearing of a weasel?
2. What sound does the Mirror of Souls report hearing when Astfgl orders it to show him what Rincewind and Eric are seeing in Hell?
3. What does the man forever doomed to push a rock up a hill have to do once a week?
4. "Astfgl had achieved in Hell a particularly high brand of _____..."
5. What kind of sandwich does the creator give to Rincewind?
Short Essay Questions
1. What brings about the destruction of Tsort?
2. Describe Hell's demons.
3. Describe Elenor.
4. Why is Lavaeolus' parting phrase to Rincewind in Tsort the saddest thing Eric has ever heard?
5. How does the large treadmill fit in with Astfgl's hell?
6. How is Eric's third wish fulfilled?
7. How is the Luggage instrumental in Rincewind's capture by Astfgl and escape escape from Hell?
8. Describe Lavaeolus' reunion with Rincewind and Eric.
9. Describe how Lavaeolus takes the Tsort citadel.
10. Describe "the bill" where Rincwind and Eric are transported after leaving Tsort.
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Find evidence of cowardice as a theme in the novel. Which characters are cowards? What are the consequences of cowardice? Are the consequences immediate or eventual? What moral can be found in the consequences of ambition? Does it appear that the author has an opinion on ambition?
Essay Topic 2
Explain why "Eric" qualifies as a farce. Describe how specific situations, characters, settings, dialogue and narrative fit the genre description. Which of these aspects best fits the genre?
Essay Topic 3
Determine if Rincewind and Eric were able to affect history. Do they cause history? Is history predetermined? When do they appear to affect history? Is the outcome different after they have interfered with it? Do they ever appear to have the choice of opting out of their adventure? Does their fate appear to be in their own hands?
This section contains 920 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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