Eric Test | Final Test - Easy

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Eric Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rincewind think no one will be interested in a war fought over?
(a) Horse races.
(b) Orange juice.
(c) A quite pleasant lady.
(d) The spoils of a homeless man.

2. Urglefloggah doesn't think _____ people would last more than five minutes in hell.
(a) Heroic.
(b) Sane.
(c) Happy.
(d) Live.

3. What sound does the Mirror of Souls report hearing when Astfgl orders it to show him what Rincewind and Eric are seeing in Hell?
(a) Screaming.
(b) Bubbling.
(c) Sobbing.
(d) Creaking.

4. What does Eric say is the reason Lavaeolus' dog will die?
(a) Defending his master.
(b) From overfeeding.
(c) Heart break.
(d) Carrying his slippers in his mouth for fifteen years.

5. What is the first piece of matter that Death witnesses popping into existence?
(a) A shirt button.
(b) A hydrogen atom.
(c) The Luggage.
(d) A paperclip.

6. What does Eric call "what you get when there's nothing left and everything's been used up?"
(a) Space.
(b) The beginning.
(c) Nothing.
(d) The bill.

7. Who is supposed to be along soon after the creator to "take care of all the people, etc," since the creator never seems "to get the arms and legs right?"
(a) Demon lords.
(b) The shapers.
(c) Gods.
(d) Quantum mechanics.

8. What kind of sandwich does the creator give to Rincewind?
(a) Tuna fish.
(b) Chicken salad.
(c) Salmon and caper.
(d) Egg and cress.

9. What have the demons installed in Astfgl's new office, informing him it is so he can communicate with his underlings?
(a) A speaking tube.
(b) An intercom.
(c) The Mirror of Souls.
(d) Cup phones.

10. What does Rincewind do with his sandwich that the creator gave him?
(a) He eats all but the crust.
(b) He throws it away.
(c) Gives it to Eric.
(d) Uses it for a spell.

11. Life might have turned out more piquant, with a little extra cream in it if only there had been _______on the sandwich.
(a) Barbeque Sauce.
(b) Mustard.
(c) Mayonnaise.
(d) Lettuce.

12. "Astfgl had achieved in Hell a particularly high brand of _____..."
(a) Ingenuity.
(b) Boredom.
(c) Class.
(d) Organization.

13. What is Astfgl's punishment for the demon that let living humans into Hell?
(a) For him to be disassembled.
(b) Commendations.
(c) Filing mountains of paperwork.
(d) Suspension in a pit of boiling oil.

14. What starts Tsort on fire?
(a) A magical misfire from Eric.
(b) The Luggage knocking torches out of soldier's hands.
(c) The Ephebian army.
(d) Rincewind tripping with an oil lamp.

15. What signs are left of what Hell might have once been?
(a) Lava pits.
(b) Clinkers and a scorch mark.
(c) Museum exhibits.
(d) Roaring fires.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who shows Rincewind and Eric the way out of Hell?

2. What is the name of the demon that reads to the man forever doomed to push a rock up a hill?

3. What is Lavaeolus supposed to chastise Rincewind and Eric for in Tsort?

4. What makes far better strategists than cauliflower-eared sword-swingers?

5. Who does Elenor say was very kind to her during the siege?

(see the answer keys)

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