Eric Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

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Eric Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Page 150-197.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the demons pretend to give to Astfgl?
(a) A promotion.
(b) A magical septor.
(c) A chest full of gold.
(d) Three wishes.

2. Who is Urglefloggah?
(a) The demon that guards the man doomed to have his liver eaten by a bird every day.
(b) The demon guarding a man who is doomed to push a rock up a hill every day.
(c) The demon guarding the portal to Hell.
(d) The demon who shows doomed souls his vacation pictures.

3. What is the second piece of matter Death witnesses popping into existence?
(a) A paperclip.
(b) The Luggage.
(c) A shirt button.
(d) A hydrogen atom.

4. What does Quirm tell Rincewind he was searching for?
(a) Pseudopolis.
(b) The Fountain of Youth.
(c) Tsort.
(d) The City of Gold.

5. What does Rincewind's summoner believe his is?
(a) Wizard.
(b) Salesman.
(c) Demon.
(d) Fairy.

Short Answer Questions

1. After discovering that the opening of Pseudopolis gate has not gone according Asfgl's plans, how does Asfgl punish his messenger?

2. Who does Rincewind want to stay alive to kill a few thousand years after the Tsort war?

3. The Archchancellor insists that ______ could be causing the sound of the disturbance, but the Bursar disagrees.

4. Who is one of the oldest demons in Hell?

5. When Rincewind and Eric are interrogated, what does the Tsort army threaten to send them to?

(see the answer key)

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