Eric Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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Eric Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Page 54-101.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the Ephebians find Rincewind in the café, who do they claim wants a word with him?
(a) Quirm.
(b) The chief.
(c) Elenor.
(d) Quezovercoatl.

2. Who is the Archchancellor of the Council of Wizardry?
(a) Rincewind.
(b) Eric Thursley.
(c) Ezrolith Churn.
(d) Death.

3. What jewelry do the Tezuman people wear?
(a) Turquoise.
(b) Beaded gold.
(c) Stone discs with a hole in the middle.
(d) Cored apples.

4. What is "half man, half chicken, half jaguar, half serpent, half scorpion, and half mad?"
(a) Tezuma.
(b) Quezovercoatl.
(c) Duke Vassenego.
(d) Astfgl.

5. What odds does Death say Rincewind has of returning home?
(a) One billion to one.
(b) A million to one.
(c) Ten to one.
(d) Four thousand and forty three to one.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is unique about the University librarian?

2. Who does the Council of Wizardry discover is the source of the disturbance?

3. What do the Tezumen write on?

4. What wakes the university librarian and disturbs the whole city?

5. Where is Rincewind trapped during the disturbance?

(see the answer key)

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