Eric Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

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Eric Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Page 54-101.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the Tezuman people throw to Eric when he and Rincewind enter the city?
(a) Crownless stone hats.
(b) Banana leaves.
(c) Baby snakes.
(d) Gold.

2. What does Rincewind tell Eric he must do to claim the Disc?
(a) Conquer the Emporer of the Disc.
(b) Inform every monarch of his ownership.
(c) Sign for it in blood.
(d) Drink a potion.

3. What is carved on the blocks of the Tezuman pyramids?
(a) The lost art of panther ranching.
(b) The correct procedure for inheriting the Disc.
(c) The terrible things the Tezuman do to their enemies.
(d) The Tezuman alphabet.

4. What does the demon king want Quezovercoatl to do?
(a) Overthrow the Tezuman god.
(b) Capture the parrot.
(c) Stop the Tezumen from killing people.
(d) Save Eric.

5. Who is Great A'tuin?
(a) The Tezuma chief.
(b) The world turtle.
(c) An Amazonian princess.
(d) The emporer of the Disc.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the most beautiful woman that ever lived?

2. How old is the sergeant that describes the second wooden structure outside the Tsort gates to the captain?

3. What does Death wear to protect himself from his bees?

4. Who calls Eric away from his first meeting with Rincewind?

5. What is Ponce da Quirm awaiting in the Tezuman kingdom?

(see the answer key)

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