Equus Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Equus Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Dysart admit right after saying what he says in #172?
(a) He's always planned that
(b) He is a god
(c) He's his father now
(d) He's lying

2. Where did Alan have a copy of the stable key made?
(a) The locksmith's shop
(b) Sulliey's
(c) Bryson's
(d) Brandon's

3. What does Alan offer to take out of the horse?
(a) The reins
(b) The saddle
(c) The bit
(d) The chains

4. Dysart: He'll trot on this _________ tamely through the concrete evening.
(a) Fantasies
(b) Delusions
(c) Nugget
(d) Metal pony

5. What color does Alan say Nugget is?
(a) Chestnut
(b) Brown
(c) Black
(d) Mahogany

6. What does Alan tell Jill to do to the doors?
(a) Lock them
(b) Nail them shut
(c) Open them
(d) Close them

7. What does Alan say he thinks he is in the hospital to be given?
(a) ECT
(b) Truth drugs
(c) Antidepressants
(d) A way out of jail

8. What has Jill read fascinates boys most about girls?
(a) Breasts
(b) Bottoms
(c) Eyes
(d) Lips

9. Who did Alan see at the theater?
(a) His mom
(b) Dysart
(c) Dalton
(d) His dad

10. What does Dysart say Alan will have no more of?
(a) Bad dreams
(b) Horses
(c) Normalcy
(d) Pain

11. Dysart says that having a session is better than going to _________.
(a) Watch TV
(b) Read a book
(c) Sleep
(d) His house

12. Alan: I couldn't.....____ her.
(a) Be with
(b) Feel
(c) See
(d) Touch

13. What is the idea that says - Ride or Fall?
(a) The Stable Law
(b) The Horse's Creed
(c) The Prayer of Equus
(d) The Straw Law

14. Dysart: Why is Equus in chains? Alan: For the _____ of the world.
(a) Control
(b) Weight
(c) Sins
(d) Love

15. Who says the movie was their idea?
(a) No one
(b) Alan and Jill
(c) Alan
(d) Jill

Short Answer Questions

1. Horse and rider shall be one _________, according to Alan

2. Alan: I bet _______'s heard some funny things.

3. What does Dysart want to use on Alan?

4. What does Dysart read in the beginning of scene 26?

5. What isn't destructive, according to Hesther?

(see the answer keys)

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