Equal Rites Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Equal Rites Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Zoon family agree to keep Esk on board in return for?
(a) Teaching them alchemy.
(b) Doing chores.
(c) Teaching them how to control the minds of animals.
(d) Doing magic.

2. When Esk asks why Granny does not use magic to light a fire, what does Granny say in response?
(a) One must know when to use magic or not.
(b) Magic cannot make a fire.
(c) It is much easier to use a match.
(d) Fires fight magic.

3. Who/What flies through space on four giant elephants atop a massive star turtle?
(a) Katerina.
(b) Discworld.
(c) Bad Ass.
(d) Ankh-Morph.

4. When Granny and Smith bury the wizard in the family orchard, what grows in his place?
(a) An apple tree.
(b) A fig.
(c) A pineapple.
(d) A lion.

5. When Esk falls asleep after drinking herbal tea, Granny finds an owl and enters its mind. Where does she fly to?
(a) Ankh-Morph.
(b) Back in time.
(c) Outer space.
(d) The Smith orchard.

Short Answer Questions

1. What can the eighth son of an eighth son become?

2. What does Granny enter to get all the drones searching for Esk?

3. What is the name of the bearded man who reveals Esk's presence on the vessel?

4. When Esk parts company with the Zoon family, what does she leave with?

5. What or who kills the wolves in the woods surrounding Granny Weatherwax's house?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Esk do when Skiller does not give her what she wants to drink?

2. Describe Hilta Goatfounder.

3. What happens when Granny finds the eagle on a snowdrift?

4. Describe how Discworld is different from other planets.

5. What does Granny decide to do after she realizes that Esk is different from other witches and wizards she knows?

6. Where do they bury the wizard, and what comes up in his place?

7. When Granny tries to find Esk in the woods, what prevents her from finding Esk's location?

8. What happens when Esk leaves Granny's house but does not reappear for a long time?

9. What does Esk have to do in return for being allowed to travel with the Zoon family?

10. Esk's use of the staff demonstrates something to Granny. What is that?

(see the answer keys)

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