The Epic of Gilgamesh Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Epic of Gilgamesh Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Humbaba asks Gilgamesh to not do what to him?
(a) Banish him from the forest
(b) Cut down all the trees
(c) Burn the forest down
(d) Kill him

2. What things do the shepherds teach Enkidu?
(a) To stalk and kill animals
(b) To tend sheep
(c) To eat, talk and behave as people in the city do
(d) To fight like a soldier

3. What does Enkidu do with the animals he finds in the woods?
(a) Teaches them to attack Gilgamesh
(b) Captures them to sell in the city
(c) Frees them from traps
(d) Kills them for the fur

4. Where does Gilgamesh see the ax in his dream?
(a) The wilderness
(b) The marketplace
(c) The temple
(d) His bedroom

5. What does Gilgamesh do before Shamash each time they stop?
(a) Digs a well
(b) Kneels to pray five times
(c) Offers a sacrifice
(d) Drinks wine

6. How does Enkidu react to Gilgamesh's dreams?
(a) He has similar dreams
(b) He says they mean nothing
(c) He says he fears they will come true
(d) He interprets them positively

7. What type of drink is Enkidu used to drinking?
(a) Cow's milk
(b) The wine drunk in the city
(c) The milk of wild animals
(d) Water from a stream

8. Who interprets Gilgamesh's dreams?
(a) Humbaba
(b) Enkidu
(c) The shepherds
(d) Shamash

9. What falls to the earth in Gilgamesh's dream?
(a) A child
(b) The stars
(c) A meteorite
(d) The sun

10. What is another phrase for sleep?
(a) The long kiss goodnight
(b) The outpouring of the night
(c) The time of the gods
(d) The long goodbye

11. What is the name of the city Gilgamesh builds?
(a) Ukur
(b) Ruku
(c) Uruk
(d) Urukali

12. In Gilgamesh's second dream what does he see?
(a) A burning bush
(b) An axe
(c) A lion
(d) An angel

13. What is stilled into silence when the men behold the forest?
(a) Their voices
(b) Humbaba's words
(c) The wind
(d) The sound of the gods

14. Who is Ninsun?
(a) Gilgamesh's wife
(b) Gilgamesh's mother
(c) Enkidu's wife
(d) Enkidu's mother

15. What is a recension?
(a) A time when water recedes after a flood
(b) A period of extreme famine
(c) A time of economic depression
(d) A revision of a text

Short Answer Questions

1. What two things does Enkidu do that make him like a man?

2. What does Humbaba do to make Gilgamesh afraid?

3. What is another name for Humbaba?

4. Line 42 at the end of Tablet 4 is called what kind of line?

5. What do the people of Uruk do with the axe in Gilgamesh's dream?

(see the answer keys)

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