English Creek Test | Final Test - Easy

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English Creek Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. By what time each day is Mac required to report to the Forest Service, indicating whether or not the fire is under control?
(a) 10:00 each morning.
(b) Noon.
(c) 1:00 each afternoon.
(d) 7:00 each evening.

2. How does Jick describe the avalanche that suddenly fills the gulch, where the firefighters would have been if the original strategy had stayed in effect?
(a) A hoarde of demons.
(b) An exploding wave, a tide.
(c) A glorious tragedy in slow motion.
(d) An unspeakable horror.

3. During haying season, who employs Jick?
(a) Pete.
(b) Bud.
(c) Mac.
(d) Stanley.

4. Who was the ranger at Indian Head in 1919, when Phantom Woman burned?
(a) Mac.
(b) Stanley.
(c) Good Help.
(d) Pete.

5. What is Jick's first meal after he leaves the scorched mountains?
(a) Oyster stew.
(b) A ham sandwich.
(c) Fried chicken.
(d) Fried fish.

6. What is Wisdom's job on the hay crew?
(a) Stacker team driver.
(b) Supervisor.
(c) Stackman.
(d) Running the scatter rake.

7. Jick's hay crew spends their final days where?
(a) Alfalfa fields.
(b) Camping and fishing at Flume Gulch.
(c) Chopping trees at the edge of the Two.
(d) A sheep ranch.

8. Which member of the hay crew does Good Help replace?
(a) His son, Clayton.
(b) Wisdom.
(c) Pete.
(d) Jick.

9. What ultimately becomes of Ray, according to Jick, years later?
(a) He owns his father's lumber yard.
(b) He runs an insurance agency.
(c) He lives in China.
(d) He dies in a car crash.

10. At Flume Gulch, when Jick catches Stanley drinking from a whiskey bottle, what does Jick learn?
(a) The bottle is filled with white soda.
(b) The bottle is filled with sugar water.
(c) The bottle is empty.
(d) The bottle is filled with water, only lightly laced with whiskey.

11. How does the Forest Service plan to cut costs at the beginning of fire season n 1939?
(a) Cancel scheduled seeding programs.
(b) Allow smaller fires to burn themselves out.
(c) Not assign fire guards unless things begin to burn.
(d) Reduce the number of forest rangers.

12. How does Paul show his trust in Mac and the new firefighting strategy?
(a) He offers to delay reporting their status until the last moment in the morning.
(b) He offers to lie in his report.
(c) He offers to delay reporting their status until the last moment in the evening.
(d) He offers to "forget" to report.

13. What is a scatter rake?
(a) A wheelbarrow with a rake attached, for spreading seed.
(b) A ten-foot axle with two iron wheels, edged with curved teeth.
(c) A hand rake used to remove foreign plant matter from hay fields.
(d) A metal device for removing weeds.

14. At Reese Ranch during haying season, what job is usually given to whichever Hebner boy happens to be twelve to fourteen years old?
(a) Stacker team driver.
(b) Stackman.
(c) Lunch distribution.
(d) Running the scatter rake.

15. While waiting for school to start, what project does Jick undertake?
(a) Learning how to tan hide.
(b) Wallpapering his porch bedroom.
(c) Canning with his mother.
(d) Learning how to rope.

Short Answer Questions

1. After a lightning storm on August 25, how many fires are burning in Mac's English Creek district?

2. On the morning when the new firefighting strategy is employed, by what time must Jick and Stanley evacuate?

3. How does Stanley suggest Jick could measure an inch?

4. The morning after Mac joined the firefighters, what request does he send through his dispatcher?

5. What is riding with hobbled stirrups?

(see the answer keys)

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