Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What confines the men to their tents for days at a time?
2. What do Shackleton and the crew realize about the ice?
3. What is the main event in Chapter 1?
4. The Endurance gets to within 200 miles of Vahsel Bay by when?
5. Clarence Island is how many miles north of Patience Camp
Short Essay Questions
1. How do the men deal with the food shortages?
2. What happens as the ship approaches Vahsel Bay?
3. Why do the men struggle with getting the sledges across the ice?
4. The men begin to notice that the ice is affecting the Endurance. What is occurring and how is the Endurance affected?
5. What do the men do after they abandon the Endurance?
6. How is the Endurance designed for a polar expedition?
7. As the men attempts sledging, what does McNeish do? How does Shackleton handle the situation?
8. What do the men salvage off the Endurance?
9. What is the weather like while the Endurance is trapped in the ice?
10. What decision does Shackleton make that baffles the men? Why?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The men have various names for their camps. What are some of these names? Why do you think the camps were given names? Why do you think these particular names were chosen for the camp names? What alternative names would you have chosen for the camps? Use examples from the book to back up your answers.
Essay Topic 2
How do the men deal with the endless waiting during the expedition? What specific actions do they take to lessen the mental and physical effects of this? Why do you think that waiting took such a heavy toll on the crew? How do you think you would react in a similar situation?
Essay Topic 3
The crew faces a lack of food at several points in the book. Why do they face this problem? What do the men do to try to solve the problem? What tactics do they use to find more food? Why do you think there were not more problems with the crew's attitude and actions in regards to the lack of food?
This section contains 882 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |