Ender's Game Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ender's Game Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Ender say the biggest danger from Bonzo will be?
(a) The battle room.
(b) The game room.
(c) The bathroom.
(d) The mind game.

2. What does Valentine see inside of Peter?
(a) Remorse.
(b) Ambition.
(c) Evil.
(d) Weakness.

3. Who is Ender’s toon leader in Rose’s army?
(a) Dap.
(b) Dan.
(c) Dunk.
(d) Dink.

4. In Chapter 14, how long of a break did Ender have before Command school?
(a) 2 months.
(b) 3 months.
(c) 1 month.
(d) 4 months.

5. Why is Ender’s training being accelerated in Chapter 11?
(a) He is getting lazy.
(b) He is getting cocky.
(c) The war is coming.
(d) The government is watching him.

6. What does Ender call his Platoon leaders?
(a) Lats.
(b) Loonies.
(c) Toons.
(d) Plats.

7. How does Ender feel when he goes back to Earth?
(a) That he misses a lot.
(b) That he is a stranger there.
(c) That he is home.
(d) That he has something to fight for.

8. How many people attack Enders with Bonzo in Chapter 12?
(a) 9.
(b) 6.
(c) 7.
(d) 8.

9. Who does Ender come to understand when he works with Bean in Chapter 10?
(a) Peter.
(b) Graff.
(c) His parents.
(d) Bonzo.

10. What has Pace worried about Ender in Chapter 12?
(a) He is getting over-worked.
(b) His brother is getting dangerous.
(c) He seems depressed.
(d) Some students want to hurt him.

11. Why does Ender hate fighting?
(a) He comes to love the enemy.
(b) He loses control.
(c) It hurts him.
(d) It makes him like Peter.

12. How was the ansible created?
(a) By studying the Buggers.
(b) By studying history.
(c) By going through the mind game.
(d) All answers are correct.

13. Why isn’t Ender’s platoon leader a commander?
(a) He is overweight.
(b) He had a fight with Graff.
(c) He refuses to be promoted.
(d) He fails his test.

14. How does Valentine spread her ideas to the public?
(a) TV broacasters.
(b) The nets.
(c) The newspapers.
(d) Visual fliers.

15. In Chapter 10, what makes Ender want to defeat the teachers?
(a) Their comparison between him and Peter.
(b) The mind game.
(c) Their treatment of him.
(d) The use of Valentine.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Ender’s army do against Petra’s army in Chapter 11?

2. How does Ender defeat the Buggers in Chapter 14?

3. What does Graff want Valentine to convince Ender to do?

4. How long has Ender been on Earth when Valentine sees him again in Chapter 13?

5. Why does Bonzo want to hurt Ender?

(see the answer keys)

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