Ender's Shadow Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ender's Shadow Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where in the battle room is the "enemy gate"?
(a) East wall.
(b) Left wall.
(c) Down.
(d) North ceiling.

2. In Chapter 17, for what does Bean use the material he gathers?
(a) Providing layers of protection.
(b) Navigation.
(c) Blinding the enemy.
(d) Smothering fires.

3. What can be done to a flash suit for strategic reasons?
(a) It can be camouflaged.
(b) The legs or certain other parts of the suit can be flashed.
(c) The color can be changed.
(d) The form can be changed.

4. Why does the Rabbit army lose battles?
(a) They are too inexperienced.
(b) They are the smallest army.
(c) Bean is not a good commander.
(d) Bean wants to teach the army how to function under all circumstances.

5. In Chapter 18, what has Achilles become since Bean last saw Achilles?
(a) A well disciplined soldier.
(b) A serial killer.
(c) Good officer material.
(d) A bully.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bean do as he is flown to Tactical School?

2. What was the location of the command school used for before it became the school?

3. How many practice sessions does Bean put the Rabbit army through in Chapter 21?

4. What is one thing Graff tells Carlotta about Achilles in Chapter 14?

5. Who takes over the Rabbit army when Bean goes to Tactical School?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who helps Bean during the argument among the Dragon members, and why does he help Bean?

2. What does Bean discover about the key to fighting the Buggers and how is the war going?

3. Who does the Dragon army fight in Chapter 15 and what is the result of that battle?

4. Why are Ender and Bean taken out of the Dragon Army?

5. How does Ender defeat the Buggers?

6. What weakness does Bean observe about Ender’s strategies?

7. How does Bean finish off his trap for Achilles?

8. What does Ender do with his team in the battle room in Chapter 13, and why is Bean at a disadvantage?

9. What does Graff tell the team about the war after Ender’s last battle and what do they hear in the Command School?

10. What does Bean learn about Achilles at the Battle School, and how do Bean and Achilles get along?

(see the answer keys)

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