Ender's Shadow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Ender's Shadow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Dimak's reply to the warning he is given in Chapter 6?
(a) That anyone would feel slow-witted around Bean.
(b) That Dimak is not intimidated.
(c) That nothing has ever intimidated the enemy before.
(d) That Captain's Madrid's insolence is hiding insecurity.

2. How does Bean get his name?
(a) Poke says he is not worth a bean.
(b) Bean's uncle.
(c) Bean's brother.
(d) Sister Carolotta names him that after seeing how many beans he eats.

3. What concerns one of the higher-grade officers about Bean?
(a) That Bean will be a flash in the pan.
(b) That Bean will not listen to orders.
(c) That Bean will never learn how to command.
(d) That Bean will receive special treatment.

4. What are the main drawbacks to Bean going to battle school?
(a) His lack of killer instinct.
(b) His unknown parentage.
(c) His happy-go-lucky nature.
(d) His small size and tiny voice.

5. Why does Bean want to have several user names and passwords?
(a) To harass other students anonymously.
(b) To keep his parents from finding him.
(c) To keep his personal life separate from his school life.
(d) To keep his activities secret from the teachers and officers.

6. Who is Helga Braun?
(a) Achilles' grandmother.
(b) Bean's aunt.
(c) A new cook.
(d) The owner of the charity kitchen.

7. Who takes the new students, including Bean, to their quarters?
(a) Ender.
(b) Captain Malory.
(c) Captain Primod.
(d) Captain Dimak.

8. What organization does Sister Carlotta represent?
(a) The Sisters of St. Nicholas.
(b) The society of the Light.
(c) The society of Assisi.
(d) The Sisters of Lorenzo.

9. What does Sister Carlotta believe about Bean?
(a) He has several siblings in two other continents.
(b) He is a plant by the enemy.
(c) He is the product of a genetic experiment.
(d) His parents are placed high up in the world council.

10. Who realizes how the adults keep tab on the students?
(a) Bean.
(b) A new student named Price.
(c) One of the older students tells the new students.
(d) A new student named Onion.

11. What is said about Achilles' leg?
(a) It is crippled.
(b) It is hollow and he keeps a knife inside.
(c) It is wooden.
(d) It has a tattoo.

12. In Chapter 11, what does Bean learn Ender reads or watches?
(a) Ancient Roman battle strategies.
(b) Science Fiction.
(c) Romance.
(d) Information about the Second Invasion.

13. How does Bean get to know the students in detail in Chapter 11?
(a) Reading up in their records.
(b) Asking them questions.
(c) Asking Dimak about them.
(d) Observing them.

14. With whom does IF believe Bean is overly obsessed?
(a) Ender.
(b) Petra.
(c) Nikolai.
(d) Captain Dimak.

15. What causes several anxiety attacks in the person that Sister Carlotta speaks to in Bulgaria?
(a) Injury due to an accident.
(b) A genetic defect.
(c) A drug habit.
(d) An implantation.

Short Answer Questions

1. About whom does the person Dimak speaks to warn Dimak?

2. Who is the top gamer when Bean arrives at the station?

3. Who does Helga Braun contact?

4. Why does Bean need to do what he decides after realizing the floor vents are not useful?

5. Who is Pablo de Noches?

(see the answer keys)

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