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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is the word for a particular kind of boat common on the Congo River?
2. What kind of animals does Sophie remind herself that bonobos are in Chapter 14?
3. In Chapter 16, what is the popular phrase for "word on the street?"
4. What does Sophie feel accompanies her fear as she rides on the motorbike with Otto in Chapter 17?
5. What kind of vehicle do Sophie and Otto leave the school in in Chapter 16?
Short Essay Questions
1. In Chapter 12, why does Sophie find herself falling towards the ground in the middle of the night?
2. In Chapter 15, why does Sophie decide she must leave all the bonobos in the jungle besides Otto as she goes off to find her mother?
3. In Chapter 14, how does Sophie realize the electrified fence is no longer on?
4. In Chapter 14, what strikes Sophie about the way the rebels look compared to the way the bonobos in the sanctuary look?
5. In Chapter 18, why does Sophie select Wello as a probable good choice to take her up the river?
6. In Chapter 15, who saves Sophie and the bonobos from the hunter, and how do the bonobos react to the savior afterwards?
7. What does Sophie say is the advantage of the fear she feels in Chapter 17?
8. Why does the first guard Sophie speaks to at the U.N. compound in Chapter 17 turn her away?
9. In Chapter 16, why is Sophie so pleased to see abandoned fields of manioc in her travels?
10. In Chapter 13, what does Sophie think about the significance of the fact that in Lingala, the word for animal is the plural form of the word for meat?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Write an essay explaining what led to the bonobos' status as an endangered species, citing specific references to the text to support your answer.
Essay Topic 2
Write an essay exploring why some of the sanctuary staff seem to adopt a standoffish attitude towards Sophie, citing specific references to the text to support your answer.
Essay Topic 3
At the end of the novel, Sophie decides to stay with her mother to help her rebuild the sanctuary rather than return to the United States to finish high school and live with her father. Write an essay analyzing Sophie's decision and explain what her choice reveals about her changing relationship with her mother and her attachment to Otto.
This section contains 756 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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