Endangered Test | Final Test - Medium

Eliot Schrefer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Endangered Test | Final Test - Medium

Eliot Schrefer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the second U.N. guard tell Sophie in Chapter 17?
(a) They can probably work something out to help her.
(b) They can help her as long as she has her own food and water.
(c) If she can pay them, they can help her.
(d) They can help her because her father is a very rich and persistent man.

2. In Chapter 18, what does Sophie find on her and Otto after being submerged in water?
(a) Snakes.
(b) Leeches.
(c) Ticks.
(d) Worms.

3. What does Sophie often do to Otto as a sign of affection?
(a) Slap him lightly on the bottom.
(b) Groom him.
(c) Rub his ears.
(d) Blow raspberries on his foot.

4. What does Sophie take with her from the U.N. station when she sneaks away with Otto?
(a) Guns.
(b) Money.
(c) Rations and iodine.
(d) Helmets.

5. Who is the oldest bonobo?
(a) Anastasia.
(b) Songololo.
(c) Mushie.
(d) Ikwa.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Sophie realize the electrified fence is off in Chapter 12?

2. Who does Sophie realizes has a crush on Anastasia?

3. In Chapter 14, why does Songololo shriek so joyfully as she escapes with Sophie and Otto?

4. What kind of vehicle do Sophie and Otto leave the school in in Chapter 16?

5. In Chapter 17, what do the people in the crowd take from Sophie?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 15, who saves Sophie and the bonobos from the hunter, and how do the bonobos react to the savior afterwards?

2. In Chapter 20, how does Sophie feel after she and Otto get off Wello's boat?

3. In Chapter 17, what does Sophie's mother's letter to her say?

4. In Chapter 13, what does Sophie think about the significance of the fact that in Lingala, the word for animal is the plural form of the word for meat?

5. In Chapter 16, why is Sophie so pleased to see abandoned fields of manioc in her travels?

6. In Chapter 14, what are some of the signs that the bonobos are stressed and tired?

7. In Chapter 14, what strikes Sophie about the way the rebels look compared to the way the bonobos in the sanctuary look?

8. In Chapter 14, how does Sophie realize the electrified fence is no longer on?

9. Why does the first guard Sophie speaks to at the U.N. compound in Chapter 17 turn her away?

10. In Chapter 17, why does Sophie surmise some of the people crowding the airport are dressed in fine clothes even though they are fleeing violence?

(see the answer keys)

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