Endangered Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eliot Schrefer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Endangered Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eliot Schrefer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following physical ailments does the animal Sophie bought from the smuggler have?
(a) He seems to have a broken ankle.
(b) He is missing two fingers.
(c) He is missing an eye.
(d) He seems to have a few broken ribs.

2. Who is the queen bonobo of the enclosure at the sanctuary?
(a) Anastasia.
(b) Banalia.
(c) Mushie.
(d) Songololo.

3. What board game does Sophie "play" with Otto?
(a) Monopoly.
(b) Scrabble.
(c) Trouble.
(d) Operation.

4. In Chapter 5, what is Sophie's mother and other sanctuary workers preparing to do?
(a) Surgery on a very sick bonobo.
(b) Go to a release site to let some of the bonobos back into the wild.
(c) A breeding program for the bonobos.
(d) A naming ritual for a baby bonobo.

5. What does Mama Evangeline say is the first thing that happened the last time there was violent conflict in the DRC?
(a) People tried to flee into the jungle.
(b) People tried to eat the zoo animals.
(c) People tried to get to the airports.
(d) People tried to capture and sell bonobos.

6. What does the term "white weapons" refer to?
(a) Weapons that kill silently like machetes, clubs, and knives.
(b) Weapons that were imported from majority-white countries.
(c) Weapons that are the color white.
(d) Weapons that were devised by white people.

7. What does Anastasia do to Sophie as a warning in Chapter 9?
(a) Bites her.
(b) Pulls out her hair.
(c) Smacks her with a tree branch.
(d) Breaks her leg.

8. Which bonobo does Sophie rescue in Chapter 10 from the rebels, who have captured it?
(a) Mushie.
(b) Songololo.
(c) Ikwa.
(d) Anastasia.

9. Who was the only person who could enter the enclosure safely in normal times?
(a) Sophie.
(b) Clement.
(c) Sophie's mother.
(d) Mama Brunelle.

10. In the end of Chapter 5, what does Patrice tell Sophie that takes her by surprise?
(a) There are many more bonobos being killed all of a sudden.
(b) There are water shortages all over the country.
(c) The sanctuary's money is running out.
(d) There is fighting starting in Kinshasa again.

11. What does Patrice tell Sophie about where the safest place to be in the country is if a war starts?
(a) Away from the capital.
(b) In the churches.
(c) In the sanctuary itself.
(d) In the capital.

12. What is the title of Part II of the book?
(a) A Country No More.
(b) The Rules of the Bonobos.
(c) War Comes to the Capital.
(d) A City in Ruins.

13. What does Clement tell Sophie and the smuggler is the problem with the sale the smuggler tries to make to Sophie in Chapter 1?
(a) Sophie does not have the right currency to buy the man's wares anyway.
(b) It is illegal to sell endangered species in the DRC.
(c) You can only use credit cards for street sales in the DRC.
(d) It is too late in the day to sell the fruit.

14. Where do Sophie and Otto drink from out of desperation in Chapter 9?
(a) A puddle in the enclosure.
(b) A discarded water bottle by the road.
(c) A pond in the sanctuary enclosure.
(d) A mountain stream they come across on the road.

15. In Chapter 9, what does Sophie realize she needs to do to be able to eat?
(a) Get her black duffel bag that she dropped the day before back.
(b) Kill an animal for meat.
(c) Get back into the sanctuary.
(d) Steal some food from the village.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 11, what food does Sophie have that she shares with the bonobos?

2. In Chapter 6, what is one of Otto's favorite games?

3. In Chapter 10, what does Sophie see in the sanctuary that greatly upsets her?

4. What does the sanctuary worker who initially examines the animal Sophie bought from the smuggler say about the animal's health?

5. What does Sophie pay special attention to regarding the bonobos' behavior in Chapter 11?

(see the answer keys)

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