The End of the Affair Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The End of the Affair Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who approaches Bendrix as he is researching for his book in the British Museum Reading Room?
(a) Sarah.
(b) Henry.
(c) Mr. Savage.
(d) Parkis.

2. Who does Sarah follow to the Pontefract Arms?
(a) Bendrix.
(b) Henry.
(c) Parkis.
(d) Richard Smythe.

3. Who travels with Bendrix to the funeral?
(a) Sylvia.
(b) Waterbury.
(c) Parkis.
(d) Henry.

4. What does Father Crompton promise to do for Sarah?
(a) Pray for her salvation.
(b) Remember her in his daily masses.
(c) Ensure she will have a Catholic burial.
(d) Absolve her of her sins.

5. Why does lunching at Peter Jones give Sarah "a sense of peace"?
(a) She does not have to worry about running into Bendrix.
(b) She has resolved to never see Bendrix again.
(c) There are no men there.
(d) There are no memories of Bendrix there.

6. Where does Waterbury tell Sylvia she is to meet him?
(a) At his apartment.
(b) At a bar on Tottenham Road.
(c) At Golders Green.
(d) At a Bartok program that evening.

7. Who does Henry ask to come be with him after Sarah dies?
(a) Bendrix.
(b) Richard Smythe.
(c) Sir William Mallock.
(d) Sarah's mother.

8. Who does Lance believe cured him of his stomach ailments?
(a) His father (Parkis).
(b) Sarah.
(c) Bendrix.
(d) The doctor.

9. How does Bendrix characterize information that Sarah was baptized a Catholic?
(a) As divine intervention.
(b) As a coincidence.
(c) As an unfortunate truth.
(d) As a lie.

10. Who does Henry tell Bendrix arrived at his office unexpectedly?
(a) Parkis.
(b) Sarah's mother.
(c) Sarah's sister.
(d) Richard Smythe.

11. What does Sarah say she would rather be than Lady Miles?
(a) Mrs. Bendrix.
(b) Alone.
(c) Lady Bendrix.
(d) Mrs. Miles.

12. In Parkis' opinion, how do judges view private investigators?
(a) Negatively.
(b) Neutrally.
(c) Positively.
(d) Indifferently.

13. Why does Henry call Bendrix one morning?
(a) To ask him to come and take Sarah to the hospital.
(b) To tell him Sarah is dead.
(c) To ask him for help with Sarah.
(d) To confront him about his affair with Sarah.

14. Why does Father Compton believe Sarah should have a Catholic burial?
(a) She was a confirmed Catholic.
(b) She expressed a desire to become a Catholic.
(c) It is the only way to save her soul.
(d) He believes all people should have Catholic burials.

15. Why does Sarah go out walking in the rain?
(a) She can't stand being in the house.
(b) She is anxious waiting for Henry to come home.
(c) She wants to go to church to pray.
(d) She is looking for Bendrix.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Bendrix lash out at after reading Parkis' letter?

2. What does Mrs. Bertram accuse Henry of?

3. Why does Sarah want to stay in the church after Bendrix leaves?

4. For what reason does Bendrix discover that Sarah was given a collection of poetry in grade school?

5. Who had Sarah told Bendrix took the picture of her he has on his desk?

(see the answer keys)

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