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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What topic does Waterbury want Bendrix's opinion on for his article?
(a) Love.
(b) E.M. Forster's books.
(c) Bendrix's books.
(d) Adultery.
2. What reason does Smythe give for belief in resurrection?
(a) People want to believe they can be born again.
(b) People want to believe their bodies are divine.
(c) People need their bodies.
(d) People will believe anything the church tells them.
3. Why does Parkis visit Henry after Sarah's death?
(a) To get a memento for his son.
(b) To confess his affection for Sarah.
(c) To tell him about his investigation of Sarah.
(d) To return Sarah's diary.
4. What about the Catholic church does Henry find "materialistic"?
(a) Transubstantiation.
(b) The statues of Christ.
(c) The ornate decoration.
(d) The statues of Mary.
5. What does Bendrix set as his new writing goal for each day?
(a) 750 words.
(b) 2,000 words.
(c) 1,000 words.
(d) 500 words.
6. Who approaches Bendrix as he is researching for his book in the British Museum Reading Room?
(a) Henry.
(b) Mr. Savage.
(c) Sarah.
(d) Parkis.
7. For what reason does Bendrix discover that Sarah was given a collection of poetry in grade school?
(a) Having perfect attendance.
(b) Her reading ability.
(c) Winning a poetry contest.
(d) Her math grades.
8. Who did Sarah ask to see on her death bed?
(a) A priest.
(b) Henry.
(c) Richard Smythe.
(d) Bendrix.
9. How does Bendrix react to Father Crompton?
(a) Sadly.
(b) Angrily.
(c) Neutrally.
(d) Compassionately.
10. What prevents Bendrix from having sex with the prostitute he brings home one evening?
(a) He promised Sarah he would never have sex with another woman.
(b) He is concerned Henry will hear.
(c) He is impotent.
(d) He is still in love with Sarah.
11. Why does Sarah agree to continue to visit Richard Smythe?
(a) She feels sorry for him.
(b) She wants to believe what he believes.
(c) She is attracted to him.
(d) She has nothing else to do.
12. Where does Bendrix suggest he and Sarah go away to when she leaves Henry?
(a) Paris.
(b) His cousin's cottage in Dorset.
(c) The U.S.
(d) His apartment.
13. What reason does Henry give Sarah for never having had an extra-marital affair?
(a) It would tarnish his public image.
(b) He never had the opportunity.
(c) He finds affairs detestable.
(d) He loves Sarah.
14. Why does Richard Smythe ask Sarah to never visit him again?
(a) She criticizes him.
(b) She rejects his marriage proposal.
(c) She refuses to give up Christianity.
(d) She is not making progress learning Rationalism.
15. Which of the following is NOT a "privilege provided for the dead" in the Catholic church?
(a) Remembrances of the dead.
(b) Prayers for the deceased.
(c) A place in heaven for the dead.
(d) Masses said in the deceased's honor.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who does Bendrix lash out at after reading Parkis' letter?
2. Whose funeral was the first that Bendrix ever attended?
3. How does Henry's secretary refer to him?
4. What does Bendrix notice in the margins of Sarah's copy of 'Last Expedition'?
5. What aspect of his novel, 'The Ambitious Host', does Henry say Bendrix "got all wrong"?
This section contains 526 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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