Empire of the Sun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Empire of the Sun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What causes Jim to vomit?
(a) A cigarette.
(b) Spam.
(c) Chocolate.
(d) Powdered milk.

2. Whose bunk does Jim lie down in to read a magazine after helping the Britishers unpack the canisters?
(a) Mrs. Vincent's.
(b) Mr. Maxted's.
(c) His own.
(d) Basie's.

3. How did the young Japanese kamikaze pilot die?
(a) He was beaten to death.
(b) He was bayoneted.
(c) He was shot.
(d) He starved to death.

4. Who urges Jim to get up when the procession leaves the checkpoint?
(a) A Japanese soldier.
(b) Mrs. Philips.
(c) Dr. Ransome.
(d) Mr. Maxted.

5. Who does Jim notice is not carrying any luggage as they leave Lunghua?
(a) Mrs. Philips.
(b) Mr. Maxted.
(c) Dr. Ransome.
(d) Mrs. Vincent.

6. What does Jim do to help himself fall asleep in the stadium?
(a) Recite the Lord's Prayer.
(b) Conjugate Latin verbs.
(c) Count sheep.
(d) Recite poems to himself.

7. What is in the vehicle that arrives on Jim's third day back?
(a) American Marines.
(b) A silver parachute canister.
(c) A generator.
(d) Dr. Ransome.

8. What battle is Jim looking at a picture of while he waits for Price and Mr. Tulloch?
(a) Okinawa.
(b) The Bulge.
(c) Guadalcanal.
(d) Iwo Jima.

9. How many parties of prisoners walk out of the stadium?
(a) Four.
(b) Two.
(c) One.
(d) Three.

10. Which of these statements is not true of Mr. Tulloch?
(a) He is American.
(b) He spent the war at Lunghua Camp.
(c) He is wearing a pistol and guarding the Lunghua gates the day the rations drop.
(d) He is the chief mechanic at Packard in Shanghai.

11. What one thing do the Japanese soldiers at Lunghua continue to maintain despite the continuous air raids?
(a) The runway.
(b) The hangar for the planes.
(c) The Zeros needed to fight the Americans.
(d) Their patrols of the camp's perimeter.

12. Into what type of plane's cockpit does Jim look?
(a) A Mustang.
(b) A Hayate.
(c) A Zero.
(d) A Spitfire.

13. What building does Jim try to enter at the end of Part 3, Chapter 41?
(a) Lunghua Airfield's watchtower.
(b) The Lunghua Camp hospital.
(c) Nantao Stadium.
(d) His Amherst Avenue home.

14. Of what is Jim most afraid in the aftermath of the war?
(a) The starving Chinese peasants.
(b) Basie and the bandits.
(c) The Japanese soldiers.
(d) Nationalist armies.

15. What does the Eurasian man pull from the trash?
(a) A soldier's shirt.
(b) Jim's shoes.
(c) Jim's Latin primer.
(d) Potatoes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jim smell in his old room when he returns to Lunghua?

2. What kind of vehicle arrives at Lunghua on Jim's third day back?

3. Where does Mr. Maxted tell Jim they are going the night they walk out of Lunghua?

4. What does Lieutenant Price deliberately drive into on the road?

5. Where are the Britishers storing their cartons of relief rations?

(see the answer keys)

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