The Emperor Jones Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Emperor Jones Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the other figure in the sixth forest scene with Emperor Jones intend to do?
(a) Make a sacrifice to a crocodile.
(b) Return Emperor Jones to a village in Africa.
(c) Take Emperor Jones home and take care of him.
(d) Slit Emperor Jones' throat with a razor.

2. What does Smithers have difficulty believing in the final scene?
(a) That he himself had not been emperor in Jones' place.
(b) That Jones ever positioned himself to rule over the natives.
(c) That Lem and his soldiers have been tracking Emperor Jones all night.
(d) That Jones evaded Lem and his soldiers all night.

3. Someone enters the sixth forest scene with Emperor Jones. What does that person do?
(a) Offers to help Jones.
(b) Dances right in front of Emperor Jones.
(c) Kills Jones.
(d) Prays with Jones.

4. What does Emperor Jones do when he enters the sixth forest scene?
(a) Shoots at the statues.
(b) Installs himself on the throne.
(c) Lies on the ground moaning in fear.
(d) Begs for forgiveness.

5. What is the setting of the sixth forest scene?
(a) A tangled forest.
(b) A beach.
(c) A crossroads.
(d) A clearing in the forest.

6. How have the natives triumphed by the end of the play?
(a) They have overcome their superstitious beliefs.
(b) They have killed a tyrant.
(c) They have mastered the art of stone carving.
(d) They have escaped from voodoo by killing the witch doctor.

7. Where does Emperor Jones go at the end of the fourth forest scene?
(a) Back into the forest.
(b) To the port.
(c) Back to the palace.
(d) Into a cave.

8. Where does Lem say he got his silver bullet?
(a) The natives stole it from Emperor Jones.
(b) The natives bought it from traders.
(c) The natives melted down money.
(d) The natives recovered it from the forest.

9. What state is Emperor Jones in when the natives bring him back in the final scene?
(a) He is repentant.
(b) He is terrified.
(c) He is delirious.
(d) He is dead.

10. How does the tone of the fifth forest scene change?
(a) From despair to abject horror.
(b) From dread to misery.
(c) From despair to redemptive ancestor-pride.
(d) From exhaustion to exhilaration.

11. Which literary term describes the interaction between Emperor Jones' voice and the voices of the figures in his vision in the fifth forest scene?
(a) Dissonance.
(b) Harmony.
(c) Cacophony.
(d) Syncopation.

12. Which musical term describes the change in the sound of the tom-tom at the end of the fourth forest scene?
(a) Pianissimo.
(b) Decrescendo.
(c) Sforzando.
(d) Crescendo.

13. What does Emperor Jones do once he sees his part in the vision in the fourth forest scene?
(a) He shoots the buyer and seller bidding on him.
(b) He shoots at the slave owners.
(c) He throws the last of his clothing away.
(d) He shoots at the prosecutor and judge.

14. What does Smithers ask Emperor Jones after the natives bring him in during the final scene?
(a) Can I rule now in your place?
(b) What did you do with the money?
(c) Where are your airs now?
(d) Couldn't you find your food?

15. What part does Emperor Jones play in the vision he sees in the fourth forest scene?
(a) He is a slave being auctioned.
(b) He is leading a slave revolt.
(c) He is being punished.
(d) He is on trial.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Emperor Jones use to dispel his final vision?

2. How does Emperor Jones dispel his final vision?

3. How does Emperor Jones feel when he enters the sixth forest scene?

4. Which term describes the development of the plot of Emperor Jones?

5. Where does the fourth forest scene begin?

(see the answer keys)

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