Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ Test | Final Test - Easy

Daniel Goleman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ Test | Final Test - Easy

Daniel Goleman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Dr. Charles Nemeroff earn his Ph.D. in neurobiology?
(a) Yale University.
(b) The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
(c) The University of New Hampshire.
(d) The University of Washington.

2. Marriages that began in 1990 suffered a divorce rate of what percentage, according to the author in Part Three: Chapter 9, “Intimate Enemies”?
(a) 89%.
(b) 67%.
(c) 34%.
(d) 20%.

3. Corporate consultant and psychoanalyst Harry Levinson advises managers on how to coach employees. What is the third piece of advice he gives?
(a) Be specific.
(b) Be present.
(c) Offer a solution.
(d) Be sympathetic.

4. In the study at Bell Labs, the star performers were identified as the ones who know the value of building what, according to the author in Part Three: Chapter 10, “Managing with Heart”?
(a) Self-awareness.
(b) Objective thinking.
(c) Confidence.
(d) Informal networks.

5. T. Berry Brazelton found through research that a child's readiness for learning is based on seven key factors. Which is the first of these?
(a) Relatedness.
(b) Curiosity.
(c) Cooperativeness.
(d) Confidence.

6. Dr. John Gottman and a colleague identified the three most toxic parenting styles. Which is the first discussed in Part Four: Chapter 12, “The Family Crucible”?
(a) Showing no respect for the child’s feelings.
(b) Being too laissez-faire.
(c) Over acknowledgment of feelings.
(d) Ignoring feelings altogether.

7. Author Daniel Goleman has been nominated for what prestigious award two times?
(a) The Pulitzer Prize.
(b) The Nebula Award.
(c) The National Book Award.
(d) The Ambassador book Award.

8. Physical changes in the brains of PTSD sufferers include: increased production of stress hormones and a lowered ability to control what response?
(a) Neural hijacking.
(b) Fear conditioning.
(c) Objective thinking.
(d) Fight or flight.

9. Dr. Redford Williams found that being prone to what was a stronger predictor of dying young than other risk factors including smoking, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol?
(a) Depression.
(b) Education.
(c) Anger.
(d) Rationality.

10. Sensitivity to prejudice has been addressed with what in an attempt to prevent lawsuits and conflict on the job?
(a) Diversity courses.
(b) Harassment courses.
(c) Religious courses.
(d) Legal courses.

11. Dr. David Spiegel is the Associate Chair of Psychiatry at what institution?
(a) The University of Kansas.
(b) Stanford University.
(c) Rutgers University.
(d) The University of Wisconsin.

12. According to the author in “Part Three: Chapter 9, “Intimate Enemies,” boys honor independence while girls treasure what?
(a) Confidence.
(b) Rationality.
(c) Connectedness.
(d) Survival.

13. At what institution does Dr. Redford Williams work?
(a) Harvard University.
(b) Yale University.
(c) Rutgers University.
(d) Duke University.

14. What does “SEL” stand for?
(a) Social and Emotional Learning.
(b) Socially Endangered Limitations.
(c) Short-term Experimental License.
(d) Specific Empathy Library.

15. According to studies by Jerome Kagan, the difference between timid and bold temperamental types is how easily what is stimulated?
(a) The brainstem.
(b) The hippocampus.
(c) The amygdala.
(d) The neocortex.

Short Answer Questions

1. Leslie Brody and who summarize research on the emotional development of boys and girls in Part Three: Chapter 9, “Intimate Enemies”?

2. Dr. John Gottman and a colleague identified the three most toxic parenting styles. Which is the third discussed in Part Four: Chapter 12, “The Family Crucible”?

3. Dr. David Spiegel studied women in the advanced stage of what disease?

4. Jerome Kagan found four temperamental types that have different patterns of brain activity. What is the first described in Part Four: Chapter 14, “Temperament Is Not Destiny”?

5. Hilda Bruch pioneered the study of eating disorders that identified the two-part cause. What was the first part?

(see the answer keys)

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