Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Daniel Goleman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Daniel Goleman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the author, we cannot control when an emotion strikes or which emotion will strike, but we can control what?
(a) The switch to a different emotion.
(b) The intensity of that emotion.
(c) When to have no emotion at all.
(d) The length of the distressing emotion.

2. Alexithymia is a term coined by what psychotherapist in 1972?
(a) Peter Sifneos.
(b) Thomas Borkovec.
(c) Lewis Terman.
(d) Bruce McEven.

3. When was Alfred Binet born?
(a) 1905.
(b) 1813.
(c) 1857.
(d) 1888.

4. Dr. Antonio Damasio studied patients who suffered damage to what?
(a) The brainstem.
(b) Their prefrontal-amygdala circuit.
(c) The limbic system.
(d) The neocortex.

5. What refers to being aware of one's mood and one's thoughts about that mood at the same time?
(a) Working memory.
(b) Objective thinking.
(c) Neural hijacking.
(d) Self-awareness.

6. According to the author in Part Two: Chapter 5, “Passion's Slaves,” balancing the extremes of emotion leads to a state of well-being, or what the early Christian church called what?
(a) Exaggeration.
(b) Temperance.
(c) Empathy.
(d) Rationality.

7. Fear arouses the body to fight or flight by doing what within the body?
(a) Increasing awareness.
(b) Decreasing brain activity.
(c) Causing respiration to decrease.
(d) Sending blood to the major muscles.

8. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi works at what university?
(a) Claremont Graduate University.
(b) Harvard University.
(c) Rutgers University.
(d) Stanford University.

9. Charisma combines four separate interpersonal intelligence components. What is the third?
(a) Personal connection.
(b) Social analysis.
(c) Negotiating solutions.
(d) Organizing groups.

10. What are released by the adrenal glands as a reaction to stress, raising blood pressure, heart rate and the breathing rate and increasing muscle strength in a state of alertness?
(a) Carbohydrates.
(b) Proteins.
(c) Catecholamines.
(d) Enzymes.

11. What percentage or more of an emotional message is communicated non-verbally?
(a) 20%.
(b) 75%.
(c) 90%.
(d) 35%.

12. Psychologist C. R. Snyder studied students’ grades in relation to their level of what?
(a) Community involvement.
(b) Time spent watching television.
(c) Family wealth.
(d) Hope of success.

13. Daniel Goleman currently co-directs the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations at what university?
(a) The University of Washington.
(b) The University of Alabama.
(c) New York University.
(d) Rutgers University.

14. Emotionally abused children develop keen skills in interpreting the moods of others as a means of what, according to the author in Part Two: Chapter 7, “The Roots of Empathy”?
(a) Competition.
(b) Reliance.
(c) Rage.
(d) Survival.

15. In philosophy, what is the characteristic of any action, belief, or desire that makes their choice a necessity?
(a) Confidence.
(b) Rationality.
(c) Attunement.
(d) Relatedness.

Short Answer Questions

1. Venting anger generally does what, according to the author in Part Two: Chapter 5, “Passion's Slaves”?

2. What researcher argues that the roots of morality come from empathy?

3. What type of specialist is Dr. Antonio Damasio?

4. Charisma combines four separate interpersonal intelligence components. What is the first?

5. Empathy is learned in infancy through what process?

(see the answer keys)

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