Emile Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Emile Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Sophy like before she becomes Emile's ideal wife?
(a) A good daughter.
(b) A nun.
(c) A humble worker.
(d) A mother.

2. What single subject is Book 4, Chapter 2 devoted to?
(a) Epistemology.
(b) Religion.
(c) Sexuality.
(d) Psychology.

3. How did the priest enter the clergy?
(a) He followed directions.
(b) He followed his own spiritual path.
(c) He bribed a bishop.
(d) He bought his pastorate from a friend.

4. What kind of love does Emile's father recommend?
(a) Love that fades slowly into partnership.
(b) Love that deepens and matures without being satiated.
(c) Love that is consummated in death.
(d) Love that leads to overwhelming sensations of satiation.

5. Why is Emile assigned a task by his tutor?
(a) Because his training will be incomplete until he has lost something dear to him.
(b) Because he is still immature, not ready for marriage emotionally.
(c) Because a man should not marry without a stable income.
(d) Because Sophy needs to know that she can rely on him.

6. What does Rousseau call democracy?
(a) The tyranny of the masses.
(b) Death by committee.
(c) Rule by the poor.
(d) A condition with more magistrates than citizens.

7. What is the worst thing a man can think about in regard to his child, according to Rousseau?
(a) Wondering whether it will survive childhood.
(b) Wondering whether it is actually his.
(c) Wondering whether it will succeed.
(d) Wondering whether it will be good.

8. How long had Emile and Sophy known each other as Book 5, Chapter 3 begins?
(a) Five months.
(b) Five years.
(c) All their lives.
(d) Ten years.

9. What does Rousseau say ensures interdependence of man and woman?
(a) Woman's usefulness as a tool to men's work.
(b) Man's dependence on woman.
(c) Woman's need for reason.
(d) Man's need for spiritual symbols in his life.

10. What kind of value should Sophy's skills have, in Rousseau's opinion?
(a) Theoretical value.
(b) Spiritual value.
(c) Practical value.
(d) Economic value.

11. What is Rousseau's religious perspective as he advises Emile?
(a) Agnostic.
(b) Converted Catholic.
(c) Protestant.
(d) Atheist.

12. How much freedom do Emile and Sophy have in their courtship?
(a) They have taken a vow not to sleep together before marriage.
(b) They are free to do as they like.
(c) They can walk alone together, but cannot touch.
(d) They cannot touch, and they are always chaperoned.

13. What does Rousseau say man should study before he travels?
(a) His fellow man.
(b) The history of the countries he travels to.
(c) The language of his destination.
(d) His own roots and surroundings.

14. What metaphor does the priest use for the man who returns to his religion?
(a) Finding eternal peace.
(b) Reconciling with family.
(c) Outfitting a ship for a voyage.
(d) Healing an injury.

15. What harm does Rousseau say books can do?
(a) Turn the reader into a pretentious ignoramus.
(b) Turn the reader into a specialist.
(c) Turn the reader into a bore.
(d) Turn the reader into a generalist.

Short Answer Questions

1. What condition does the priest impose on his advice?

2. What quality is necessary for any marriage to succeed, in Rousseau's opinion?

3. What is the subject of Book 5, Chapter 2?

4. What kind of feeling does Rousseau want to create in Emile with regard to Sophy?

5. How does Rousseau say Sophy should be able to take care of her children?

(see the answer keys)

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