Emerson: The Mind on Fire: A Biography Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert D. Richardson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Emerson: The Mind on Fire: A Biography Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert D. Richardson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Emerson try to connect ecstasy to in his essay on ecstasy?
(a) Sex.
(b) Nature.
(c) History.
(d) Language.

2. How does Richardson characterize Emerson's feeling about the essay "The Poet?"
(a) He was afraid of the censure it would draw.
(b) He was afraid to believe in his own prophecy.
(c) He thought it was one of his best.
(d) He felt more uncertain of that essay than any other.

3. How did Emerson see his personal history, according to Richardson?
(a) As the raw material out of which men's lives are made.
(b) As the story of his few brilliant experiences.
(c) As the story of the people in his life.
(d) As the story of his most successful essays and poems.

4. What did Margaret Fuller ask Emerson for in 1840?
(a) A recommendation.
(b) Money.
(c) Advice for her writing.
(d) A closer relationship.

5. How did Emerson's views on individuality and idealism respond to the immense cultural changes of the 1840s, according to Richardson?
(a) They became more optimistic.
(b) They were tempered by doubts.
(c) They stayed the same.
(d) They became more realistic.

6. How does Richardson characterize Emerson's response to his son's death?
(a) He was destroyed.
(b) He was devastated.
(c) He was assured of an afterlife.
(d) He was inspired.

7. How did "The Dial" change Emerson's writing?
(a) He was writing longer essays.
(b) He was writing shorter works.
(c) He stopped writing almost completely.
(d) He was writing less.

8. What world literature did Emerson include in "The Dial?"
(a) Scriptures.
(b) Poems.
(c) Histories.
(d) Accounts of ecstatic religious experiences.

9. What did Emerson do for Carlyle?
(a) Provide a subsidy.
(b) Edit his work.
(c) Halt a pirated copy of his work.
(d) Publish his work in America.

10. What did Emerson discover on reuniting with Carlyle?
(a) That a hostility had opened within their friendship.
(b) That they no longer saw eye to eye.
(c) That they had discovered a number of the same things independently.
(d) That their friendship was as secure as ever.

11. Which of these concerns did NOT burden Emerson in 1847?
(a) Family matters.
(b) Health problems.
(c) Endless obligations.
(d) Financial problems.

12. What did Jones Very claim to be?
(a) The Messiah.
(b) Insane.
(c) Emerson's first disciple.
(d) The first genuine American Poet.

13. What idea of the author's does Richardson say Emerson followed "surprisingly far?"
(a) Faith in evolutionary processes.
(b) Disregard for individuality.
(c) Doubt about the possibility of transcendent experience.
(d) Respect for historical determinism.

14. What began to appear in America as a result of Charles Fourier's work?
(a) Communes.
(b) New style hats.
(c) Poetry magazines.
(d) Organized unions.

15. For how long was Emerson the editor of "The Dial?"
(a) Six months.
(b) Four years.
(c) Two years.
(d) Three years.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many lectures did Emerson give over five months, in "Fame?"

2. What does Richardson say motivated Emerson's feelings about Brook Farm?

3. According to Richardson, what feeling would stay with Emerson for the rest of his life, after the Norton affair?

4. What did Emerson praise in the essay based on Alec Therien?

5. How was Emerson received in Europe?

(see the answer keys)

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