Embraced by the Light Test | Final Test - Easy

Betty Eadie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Embraced by the Light Test | Final Test - Easy

Betty Eadie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the beginning of the book's last chapter, who comes into Betty's home?
(a) An NDE researcher.
(b) An estranged sister.
(c) A foster child.
(d) A long-lost aunt.

2. Why does the surgeon cry after talking to Betty about her near-death experience?
(a) He's worried she will sue.
(b) Her story gives him hope.
(c) He feels badly that she died under his care.
(d) He's afraid she's gone mad.

3. When Betty sees spirits eagerly awaiting their turn on earth, she notes that they regard life on earth as what?
(a) Easy.
(b) Confusing.
(c) School.
(d) A thrill ride.

4. What does Betty say fills the vastness of space?
(a) Stardust.
(b) Love.
(c) Emptiness.
(d) Ether.

5. Betty states that even though there are those who are different from us, we must be willing to:
(a) Uphold our religious viewpoints.
(b) Show them how wrong they are.
(c) Fight when action is called for.
(d) Accept all others.

6. Betty says that after we live our lives here on earth and are reunited in heaven:
(a) Pain is washed away.
(b) We forget almost everything.
(c) Everyone has to be debriefed.
(d) We're ready to come right back to earth.

7. What does Betty say about a mother's prayers for her children?
(a) Sometimes they're a little selfish.
(b) These please God the most.
(c) They are always tended to by spirits who used to be mothers.
(d) These are the greatest prayers.

8. In many instances, our earth family members and friends are:
(a) Former guardian angels.
(b) Spirits we bonded with.
(c) Learning exactly the same lessons we are.
(d) Beings from other planets.

9. Betty learns that our earthly prayers for others can benefit those:
(a) On earth only.
(b) Whom we know personally, but not others.
(c) On earth and in heaven.
(d) In heaven only.

10. How does the drunken man help the attorney?
(a) Showing the attorney he should never drink.
(b) By hardening the attorney's heart.
(c) As a teacher of compassion.
(d) By serving as his client.

11. In the other worlds that Betty visits, what kind of people does she see?
(a) Fun-loving, petite, and childlike.
(b) Quiet, tall, and intuitive.
(c) Loving and intelligent.
(d) Warring and primitive.

12. As Betty watches the people of earth going about their daily lives, what does she see above them?
(a) Halos.
(b) Clouds of confusion.
(c) Angels.
(d) Rainbows.

13. Betty says that regardless of whether someone is great or small, talented or handicapped, sinner or saint, in the spirit world:
(a) All are equal and precious.
(b) All have sinned.
(c) Nobody is good enough.
(d) Nobody cares.

14. How is Betty protected against the frightening entities she sees after returning to her body?
(a) By an invisible wall of electricity.
(b) Arrows of light pierce the entities.
(c) By a huge dome of light.
(d) Twelve angels chase the entities away.

15. As Betty prepares to leave heaven, she realizes that:
(a) She forgot to ask some very important questions.
(b) She's seen everything there is to see in heaven.
(c) She's seen only a tiny portion of heaven.
(d) She may choose to go to another realm when she returns.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much time elapses before Betty decides to return to the hospital and meet with the surgeon who had done her procedure?

2. What does Betty realize about her adoptive child by the time the little girl is two-and-a-half years old?

3. What saves Betty from the condition she finds herself in after returning to her body?

4. In the garden, Betty recognizes the spirits as what?

5. With her difficult adjustment back into her body, how does Betty feel after her return to earth?

(see the answer keys)

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