Ella Enchanted Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ella Enchanted Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Ella punish her stepmother and sisters for their treatment of her?
(a) She publicly mocks them.
(b) She does not invite them to her wedding.
(c) She banishes them from the kingdom.
(d) She has them killed.

2. What is unique about the mushrooms Sir Peters wants Mandy to serve in Chapter 18?
(a) They taste like chocolate.
(b) They contain a love spell.
(c) They cause sleepiness.
(d) They are an expensive delicacy.

3. What does Lucinda notice about Ella at the wedding?
(a) That Ella is staring.
(b) That Ella has little feet.
(c) That Ella resembles Lady Eleanor.
(d) That Ella's dress is dirty.

4. What gift does Lucinda bestow on the Sir Peter and his bride?
(a) Undying devotion.
(b) Eternal understanding.
(c) Everlasting love.
(d) Unconditional forgiveness.

5. Why does Prince Char think Ella wears a mask?
(a) Because she is disfigured.
(b) Because she is a criminal on the run.
(c) Because she is shy.
(d) Because she is ugly.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Ella weep in Chapter 25?

2. After speaking to Lucinda, how is Ella's curse affected?

3. Where does Dame Olga say Ella will stay in her home?

4. Which of the following is NOT something Ella is made to do for her stepfamily?

5. Where does Ella hide when she is summoned before the Prince in Chapter 29?

Short Essay Questions

1. After finding out about Sir Peter's financial situation, what does Dame Olga tell Ella?

2. Why does Sir Peter decide Ella will not marry Edmund? What does Sir Peter decide to do instead to solve his financial problems?

3. Where do Ella and Char find a tiny pair of slippers? What do Ella and Char do after Ella put on the slippers?

4. What does Mandy give to Ella on the night of the final royal ball?

5. How does Ella's curse change after she speaks to Lucinda?

6. What does Mandy dare Lucinda to do in Chapter 25?

7. What do Ella and Char start searching the old castle for in Chapter 21?

8. What positive things does Sir Stephan say about Prince Char as he escorts Ella to the wedding?

9. What terrible thing does Ella consider might happen if she married Prince Char?

10. What does Sir Peter tell Ella on their way home from the wedding?

(see the answer keys)

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