Ella Enchanted Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ella Enchanted Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What disgusts Ella when she is around her father and his fiancee?
(a) His rudeness toward her.
(b) The sweet way they talk to each other.
(c) Her meanness toward him.
(d) The way they abuse the servants.

2. What does Hattie do while Ella is dancing with the Prince at the third ball?
(a) Spills her drink on Ella.
(b) Laughs and points at Ella's dancing skills.
(c) Trips Ella.
(d) Snatches her mask away.

3. When Lucinda reappears after following Mandy's dare, how does she look?
(a) Even more beautiful.
(b) Like she has aged by twenty years.
(c) Sad and droopy.
(d) Refreshed.

4. What does Ella realize could happen if she marries Prince Char?
(a) She could get revenge on her stepfamily.
(b) Someone could use her curse to harm Char.
(c) His family might disown him.
(d) He might banish her father from the kingdon.

5. After eating the mushrooms, what does Ella feel?
(a) Sick to her stomach.
(b) Sleepy.
(c) An urge to tell the truth.
(d) Affection for her father.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sir Peter tell Ella on their way home from the wedding?

2. After speaking to Lucinda, how is Ella's curse affected?

3. Under the influence of the mushrooms, what does Ella think of her suitor?

4. What does Ella cover up with a filthy piece of linen when she returns home from the third ball?

5. Why does Dame Olga agree to let Ella be Mandy's scullery maid?

Short Essay Questions

1. What positive things does Sir Stephan say about Prince Char as he escorts Ella to the wedding?

2. What terrible thing does Ella consider might happen if she married Prince Char?

3. Why does Sir Peter leave not long after marrying Dame Olga? Where does he tell Ella he will go?

4. How does Ella's curse change after she speaks to Lucinda?

5. What is to be held when Prince Char returns to Kyrria and what will be decided there? How do the stepsisters feel about this event?

6. After finding out about Sir Peter's financial situation, what does Dame Olga tell Ella?

7. Why does Ella run away from the ball in Chapter 28?

8. Why does Ella become afraid to tell Lucinda to take her gift back? What does Ella ask Lucinda for instead?

9. What do Ella and Char write about in their letters to each other? How does Char always close his letters, and how does Ella respond?

10. Why doesn't Char ask Ella why she wears a mask? What does the Prince confide to Ella in Chapter 28?

(see the answer keys)

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