Elizabeth the Great Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth Jenkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elizabeth the Great Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth Jenkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the Irish rebellion becomes urgent, who does Queen Elizabeth initially want to send to Ireland?
(a) Francis Bacon.
(b) The Earl of Essex.
(c) Robert Cecil.
(d) Mountjoy.

2. Why does the Privy Council not mention Lord Burleigh's name to Queen Elizabeth after Burleigh dies?
(a) It makes Queen Elizabeth cry.
(b) Burleigh was guilty of treason against the queen.
(c) The queen hated Burleigh.
(d) Queen Elizabeth had Burleigh executed.

3. Why does Queen Elizabeth refuse the Prince of Orange's request to become queen of additional lands?
(a) The lands are too infested with pirates to interest her.
(b) The lands are too poor to interest her.
(c) Doing so would put England at open war with Spain.
(d) She would have to marry him to become the queen.

4. With what married woman and cousin of Queen Elizabeth does the Earl of Leicester have an affair?
(a) Lettice Devereux.
(b) Catherine Grey.
(c) Lady Mary Sidney.
(d) Lady Lennox.

5. Why does King Philip of Spain think England is his territory?
(a) God has given it to him to restore it to Catholicism.
(b) The Pope has given it to him in God's name.
(c) His mother was an English princess.
(d) Mary Stuart bequeathed it to him.

6. What hunchback becomes Queen Elizabeth's advisor and England's Lord Treasurer, replacing his father in the position?
(a) Robert Cecil, Lord Burleigh's son.
(b) Sir Christopher Hatton.
(c) Francis Bacon.
(d) The Earl of Essex.

7. What is the Earl of Essex sentenced to for his crime?
(a) To be imprisoned in the Tower.
(b) To be hung.
(c) To be burned alive.
(d) To be beheaded.

8. To what does Queen Elizabeth ascribe her safety despite so many plots to kill her?
(a) To God's protection.
(b) To her soldiers.
(c) To her Navy.
(d) To her Privy Council.

9. How old is Queen Elizabeth when she dies?
(a) 69.
(b) 73.
(c) 60.
(d) 80.

10. With whom does Sir Philip Sidney fall in love?
(a) Penelope Devereux.
(b) Queen Elizabeth.
(c) Lettice Devereux.
(d) Elizabeth Cavendish.

11. What factors help the English ships defeat the Spanish Armada when Spain tries to invade England?
(a) The English outnumber the Spanish.
(b) The Spanish sailors are not loyal to their king.
(c) The Spanish ships are full of holes and not fit to sail.
(d) English ships are built lower and faster than Spanish ships.

12. What does Queen Elizabeth do with the treasure Francis Drake brings home from Spanish ships his pirates have looted?
(a) Pays her soldiers to make war on Scotland.
(b) Returns it to Spain.
(c) Keeps it and pays back Drake's investors.
(d) Gives it to Prince Alenzon.

13. What does Sir Thomas Gresham establish in London on Cornhill in 1571?
(a) A seat of commercial exchange.
(b) A glass-making shop.
(c) A printing shop.
(d) A silk cloth manufacturing firm.

14. Where do Catholics massacre Protestants in great numbers in the Massacre of St. Bartholomew?
(a) Denmark.
(b) Paris, France.
(c) Rome, Italy.
(d) Sweden.

15. Who is the Earl of Essex's mother?
(a) Lady Lennox.
(b) Lettice Devereux.
(c) Penelope Devereux.
(d) Catherine Grey.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Queen Elizabeth's appetite like at 60 years-old?

2. What is Queen Elizabeth's reaction to the death of her friend and councilor at the end of Chapter 25?

3. When the Earl of Oxford mistreats his wife, Ann, to what does Burleigh attribute the younger man's misbehavior?

4. When Queen Elizabeth is 40 years-old, what trait has become more pronounced in her?

5. What is the Earl of Essex charged with in Chapter 29?

(see the answer keys)

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