Elizabeth the Great Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Elizabeth Jenkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elizabeth the Great Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Elizabeth Jenkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What religion is Queen Mary Tudor determined to reinstate as England's national religion when she ascends to the throne?
(a) Protestantism.
(b) Catholicism.
(c) Judaism.
(d) Paganism.

2. What happens when the Scottish Lords try to rescue Mary Stuart from Tutbury Castle where she is being held?
(a) They are intercepted by English troops and battle ensues.
(b) They succeed in rescuing her and escape to Scotland.
(c) They find she has been moved to Coventry.
(d) They are reported to the queen and flee to France.

3. Who does the Spanish Ambassador Don Gerau de Spies plot to marry to Mary Stuart to restore Catholicism to England?
(a) The Earl of Leicester.
(b) The Duke of Norfolk.
(c) The Duke of Alva.
(d) King Philip of Spain.

4. Who is murdered in the presence of the pregnant Mary Stuart?
(a) Lord Darnley.
(b) Lady Lennox.
(c) Rizzio.
(d) Catherine de Medici.

5. What Catholic does William Cecil think will ascend to the throne and revive Catholicism in England if the Protestant Queen Elizabeth dies without a child?
(a) Mary Tudor.
(b) The Duke of Norfolk.
(c) Prince Philip of Spain.
(d) Edward Courtenay.

6. How do others see Lord Darnley?
(a) As a spiritual leader.
(b) As a brilliant politician.
(c) As a scholar.
(d) As a brainless, arrogant fool.

7. Who shows over familiarity with the queen by taking her napkin out of her hand to wipe his sweaty face during a tennis game?
(a) Philip Sidney.
(b) The Duke of Norfolk.
(c) Robert Dudley, the Earl of Leicester.
(d) King Philip of Spain.

8. With Spain supporting Mary Stuart and planning to invade England on her behalf, with what country is it important for Queen Elizabeth and England to form an alliance?
(a) Germany.
(b) France.
(c) Sweden.
(d) Ireland.

9. Which of the following is not an action Sir William Cecil advises Queen Elizabeth to take to reduce the danger of Mary Stuart seizing the English throne?
(a) Keeping Mary Stuart in prison.
(b) Forcing Mary Stuart to marry the Earl of Leicester.
(c) Disallowing Mary Stuart's divorce from Bothwell.
(d) Publicly declaring Mary Stuart guilty of Darnley's murder.

10. What keeps Queen Elizabeth's complexion so white?
(a) Elizabeth wears a white powder.
(b) Elizabeth avoids sunlight.
(c) Elizabeth is an albino.
(d) A lotion of egg white, eggshell, alum, borax & poppyseeds.

11. Who becomes King of Scotland when Mary Stuart is forced to abdicate?
(a) Lord Darnley.
(b) James, her 13 month-old son.
(c) The Earl of Leicester.
(d) Lord Bothwell.

12. What disease does Queen Elizabeth contract and nearly die of?
(a) Pneumonia.
(b) Diptheria.
(c) Cancer.
(d) Smallpox.

13. What kind of ships is the English channel swarming with at the beginning of Chapter 12?
(a) Pirate ships.
(b) Swedish ships.
(c) Spanish ships.
(d) French ships.

14. What does the French ambassador tell the Spanish ambassador about the way Queen Elizabeth spent New Year's Night in 1566?
(a) He says she slept with the Earl of Leicester that night.
(b) He says she got drunk.
(c) He says she danced and played the virginals.
(d) He says she watched a play.

15. Which of Queen Elizabeth's suitors does Sir William Cecil draw a table of the pros and cons of the potential marriage?
(a) Prince Alenzon.
(b) The Earl of Leicester.
(c) Archduke Charles.
(d) King Philip of Spain.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Mary Stuart refuse to divorce Lord Darnley?

2. What story arose about Elizabeth I's appearance after the age of thirty?

3. What are pearls said to symbolize?

4. What does the Earl of Leicester tell the French ambassador that Queen Elizabeth said about marriage when she was eight years-old?

5. In Chapter 5 of <i>Elizabeth the Great</i>, what act do Parliament and the Privy Council pass?

(see the answer keys)

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