Elizabeth I Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Anne Somerset
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elizabeth I Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Anne Somerset
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was there an interest in Elizabeth I marrying?
(a) She was ill.
(b) She refused to name a successor.
(c) She was not able to have children.
(d) She was getting old.

2. What did Elizabeth I do to force Darnley to return to England?
(a) She imprisoned his father.
(b) She imprisoned his mother.
(c) She imprisoned his brother.
(d) She imprisoned his sister.

3. When did Mary die?
(a) November 12, 1558.
(b) November 5, 1558.
(c) November 17, 1558.
(d) November 7,1558.

4. What happened to Dudley's wife?
(a) She left him.
(b) She was killed.
(c) She was found dead.
(d) She went missing.

5. Who plotted against Mary's wedding plans?
(a) Philip of Spain.
(b) Seymour.
(c) Edward Courtenay.
(d) Cecil.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was the mother of Henry VIII's son, Edward?

2. What was Mary warned about Elizabeth when she met her?

3. How many men of the Privy Council did Elizabeth I keep that were under Mary?

4. What did Cecil and Elizabeth I do to fight the financial crisis?

5. When did Darnley arrive in Scotland?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Somerset hypothesize about Elizabeth?

2. Why was Mary, Queen of Scots, interested in remarrying according to Chapter 6?

3. What did Elizabeth want to ensure about Protestants?

4. What did Edward contract in 1553 and what plan did he devise?

5. Who was Kat Ashley and who did she promote a match between?

6. Whose wishes did Pope Clement VII follow?

7. What did Henry VIII request from Pope Clement VII in Chapter 1?

8. What was the Act of Restrain of Appeals which Parliament passed?

9. What did a potential husband need to have according to Chapter 4 and why did it present a problem?

10. What was the main topic when Parliament convened in 1563?

(see the answer keys)

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