Elijah of Buxton Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Christopher Paul Curtis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elijah of Buxton Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Christopher Paul Curtis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What things does MaWee do for the carnival that he thinks Elijah has come to replace him at in chapter 10?
(a) Caring for the animals.
(b) Selling souvenirs.
(c) Cooking in the mess tent.
(d) Cleaning and working Madame Sabbar's show.

2. What weapon does Madame Sabbar use in her act in chapter 8?
(a) Slingshot.
(b) Guns.
(c) Rocks.
(d) Knives.

3. Who does Cooter point out in chapter 6 have not been checking up on Mr. Travis?
(a) The grownups.
(b) The school board.
(c) The local mayor.
(d) The local bishop.

4. What is Mr. Leroy's scar on his chest in the shape of?
(a) A cross.
(b) A letter S.
(c) A ranch's brand.
(d) A letter T.

5. What type of animal does the preacher claim Elijah and Cooter are tracking in chapter 1?
(a) A rabid bear.
(b) A wild injun dog.
(c) A snipe bird.
(d) A hoop snake.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of cookies does Elijah's mother tell him Mrs. Brown baked for him in chapter 1?

2. What did Elijah once overhear his father call the preacher?

3. What is the full title of the carnival that is coming to Chatham?

4. Who warns Elijah in the beginning of chapter 8 of the preacher's presence?

5. Where does Flapjack spend all his time while Elijah fishes in chapter 3?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Mr. Leroy react as he does in chapter 7 to Elijah's use of a derogatory word?

2. Why does MaWee think that Elijah will replace him in the carnival?

3. What does Elijah imagine as he catches horseflies in the stable?

4. To whom does the preacher introduce Elijah to? For what purpose?

5. Who convinces Elijah to sneak out and go to the carnival? For what reasons?

6. What do Cooter and Elijah think Mr. Travis means by familiarity breeds contempt in chapter 6?

7. To whom does Elijah take a plate of fried fish in chapter 5?

8. What is important about the settlement of Buxton?

9. Who teaches Elijah to shoot a gun? For what reason?

10. What does Mr. Leroy show Elijah in chapter 7? What is the significance about these things?

(see the answer keys)

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