Eleven Minutes Test | Final Test - Easy

Paulo Coelho
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eleven Minutes Test | Final Test - Easy

Paulo Coelho
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the librarian frustrated with in Chapter 27?
(a) Her boring sex life that she didn't know could be so exciting.
(b) Her job.
(c) The book shelves.
(d) Maria.

2. What does Maria fear that she has to push from entering her head after meeting her special client for the first time?
(a) The chance that she is infected.
(b) The chance that her parents died.
(c) The chance that Ralf may never come back.
(d) The chance that she may never go to Brazil again.

3. How does Maria react to Ralf's distracting attempts?
(a) Gets angry.
(b) Shows no interest in it.
(c) Leaves in hurry.
(d) Forgets about what she wanted to discuss.

4. What does Milan think Maria is ready for after spending an evening with Ralf?
(a) To travel with her work.
(b) To move up to manager.
(c) A special client.
(d) A special room.

5. What does Milan say to Maria when she speaks to him after seeing the item that her coworker and customer show her?
(a) Come back anytime.
(b) Demands her to leave.
(c) Goodbye and he'll miss her.
(d) Wishes her well.

6. Where does her surprise guest rub the handle of his whip?
(a) Maria's face.
(b) His own body.
(c) Maria's chest.
(d) Maria's private area.

7. How does Maria feel about meeting Ralf again?
(a) Cautiously optimistic.
(b) Excited.
(c) Pessimistic.
(d) Apprehensive.

8. How long does Maria feel like she and Ralf are intimate for the last time?
(a) An eternity.
(b) One year.
(c) 6 months.
(d) 11 minutes.

9. What does Maria say in her letter?
(a) She hates Geneva.
(b) She loves Geneva.
(c) She will return home and buy a farm house for the entire family.
(d) She will stay in Geneva.

10. Where do Maria and her first special client go to?
(a) An old hotel.
(b) An expensive hotel.
(c) A dirty hotel.
(d) His house.

11. Where do Maria and her surprise guest in Chapter 23 go their second time together?
(a) The same expensive hotel suite.
(b) His house.
(c) A new hotel.
(d) Her apartment.

12. How does Maria feel about returning home after she meets Ralf in Chapter 19?
(a) She wants him to meet her family.
(b) She doesn't want to go back.
(c) She's ready to return home.
(d) She feels as though she still has adventures to discover.

13. What does Maria resolve to do in preparation for the next meeting with Ralf?
(a) Shaves and sprays perfume.
(b) Colors her hair.
(c) Go with her instincts.
(d) Plucks her eyebrows.

14. What does Ralf show Maria to distract her from talking about pleasure in pain?
(a) His self portrait.
(b) A drawing he did of her.
(c) A tree.
(d) Drawings related to prostitution.

15. What does Maria feel as she wanders the streets of Geneva after returning the library book in Chapter 27?
(a) Excited and eager to leave.
(b) Mad and angered.
(c) Sad and conflicted.
(d) Happy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of thoughts does Maria have after her first meeting with her special client?

2. How does Maria feel about the place she and Ralf go?

3. What does Ralf confess to Maria?

4. Who does Maria write a letter to?

5. Where does Ralf invite Maria to accompany him after they tied something around their faces?

(see the answer keys)

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