The Elephant Man Test | Final Test - Medium

Bernard Pomerance
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Elephant Man Test | Final Test - Medium

Bernard Pomerance
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Merrick read in the bible that makes him excited to die?
(a) That the poor shall become the rich.
(b) That the blind will be made to see.
(c) That the meek will inherit the earth.
(d) That God will make the crooked straight.

2. Which of the following is NOT an adjective Treves uses to describe Merrick in the letter?
(a) Wise.
(b) Trustworthy.
(c) Intelligent.
(d) Romantic.

3. What does Treves come running back into the room to say about Merrick?
(a) That Merrick was a monster.
(b) He never says anything.
(c) That Merrick was a man.
(d) That Merrick was a hero.

4. How does Treves feel about Merrick after his death?
(a) He says he is proud to have known him.
(b) He says he feels guilty about the way he treated him.
(c) He says he no longer understands him.
(d) He says he wished he could have done more for him.

5. Where does Merrick rest his head while he is sleeping?
(a) On a specially built prop.
(b) On his shoulder.
(c) On his knees.
(d) On his arms.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Ross visits Merrick in the hospital, what does he ask him for?

2. In the dream, what does Gomm call Treves in response to Merrick's payment offer?

3. What emotion does Merrick attribute to Treves' left hand and the way it covers his body?

4. How much does Merrick say he is willing to pay in order to have a visit with Treves during the dream?

5. In the dream, who does Merrick claim will be the "perfect subject" for his study?

(see the answer keys)

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