The Elephant Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Bernard Pomerance
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Elephant Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Bernard Pomerance
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the nurse who Treves interviews to care for Merrick?
(a) Mrs. Potato.
(b) Mrs. Sandwich.
(c) Mrs. Crumb.
(d) Mrs. Salad.

2. Which of the following characters believes that all humans are simply copies God has created?
(a) Gomm.
(b) Treves.
(c) Mrs. Kendal.
(d) Merrick.

3. What name does Ross give two handicapped women whose heads rise to points?
(a) Coneheads.
(b) Football-heads.
(c) Pinheads.
(d) Eggheads.

4. How does Treves feel about his own social advancement?
(a) He thinks he deserves it.
(b) He wishes it would move faster.
(c) He does not understand it.
(d) He does not think he deserves it.

5. What does Treves use to show the audience the Elephant Man's deformities?
(a) Slides.
(b) Medical charts.
(c) Drawings.
(d) A plastic model.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the caller treat The Elephant Man when calling him out of his tent?

2. How old was Merrick when his mother was attacked at the circus?

3. Merrick states that the model he is working on is a symbol for what, "flying up from the mud"?

4. Who does Merrick consider his best friend, and the one visitor whose time he most appreciates?

5. Where was Merrick abandoned as a child?

Short Essay Questions

1. As Merrick is meeting with the Bishop, what discussion of Merrick's impending death do Gomm and Treves have?

2. What happens when Ross attempts to negotiate Merrick's exhibition with the Belgian police?

3. During the one-on-one scene that each high society member has with the audience, what does the Princess of Wales think is the similarity between her husband and Treves?

4. In the letter to the editor, what does Treves add about Merrick?

5. During the dream, what statemtents does Gomm make about "good men" and what should happen to them?

6. Why does Ross think it is unfair for Merrick to continue living with Treves?

7. How is Treves' first lecture about the Elephant Man's deformities interrupted?

8. During his analysis of Treves' body, what notes does Merrick make about Treves' left hand?

9. What does Merrick despise about married men?

10. How does Treves handle the process of interviewing and hiring a nurse to care for Merrick?

(see the answer keys)

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