The Elephant Man Test | Final Test - Easy

Bernard Pomerance
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Elephant Man Test | Final Test - Easy

Bernard Pomerance
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the dream, who does Merrick claim will be the "perfect subject" for his study?
(a) Gomm.
(b) Ross.
(c) Treves.
(d) The Bishop.

2. How does Treves feel about Merrick after his death?
(a) He says he no longer understands him.
(b) He says he wished he could have done more for him.
(c) He says he feels guilty about the way he treated him.
(d) He says he is proud to have known him.

3. What is Merrick most worried about now that he knows Lord John has stolen his money?
(a) That Mrs. Kendal views him as a failure.
(b) That he will no longer be able to stay in the hospital.
(c) That his high society friends will no longer love him.
(d) That Treves is disappointed in him.

4. How is the nursing attendant related to the event happening outside of Merrick's window?
(a) It is his brother.
(b) It is a friend's sister.
(c) It is his father.
(d) It is his cousin.

5. What did Treves' patient, who had a near death experience, tell her "heaven" was like?
(a) Walking through fog.
(b) Being trapped underwater.
(c) Walking over fiery coals.
(d) Sitting amongst the angels.

6. When visiting Merrick in the hospital, what does Ross propose?
(a) That he and Treves start a new freak show.
(b) That he and Treves have joint control over Merrick's future.
(c) That he and Merrick work together once again.
(d) That he and Merrick move in together.

7. What are the pinheads doing when they arrive to Merrick's bedside before he dies?
(a) Cackling.
(b) Dancing.
(c) Laughing.
(d) Singing.

8. In what newspaper is the letter written after Merrick's death is published?
(a) The London Lantern.
(b) The English Express.
(c) The Daily Mail.
(d) The London Times.

9. Which of the following characters is knighted in the course of the play?
(a) Treves.
(b) Merrick.
(c) The Bishop.
(d) Gomm.

10. To whom does Lord John return, begging for more money?
(a) Gomm.
(b) Treves.
(c) The Bishop.
(d) Merrick.

11. What does Treves bitterly state might happen to Merrick while he is in his meeting with the Bishop?
(a) His attitude might change.
(b) His heart might give out.
(c) His body might die.
(d) His soul might pass over.

12. What does Ross say he admires most about Merrick?
(a) Merrick's ability to make money.
(b) Merrick's ability to love through his hate.
(c) Merrick's ability to make people feel good about themselves.
(d) Merrick's ability to forgive those around him.

13. What does Merrick read in the bible that makes him excited to die?
(a) That the meek will inherit the earth.
(b) That God will make the crooked straight.
(c) That the blind will be made to see.
(d) That the poor shall become the rich.

14. Where does Merrick rest his head while he is sleeping?
(a) On his shoulder.
(b) On his arms.
(c) On his knees.
(d) On a specially built prop.

15. How does Merrick react to Mrs. Kendal's list of women who may be interested in seeing him?
(a) He divides the list into two groups - the ones he would like to see and the ones he is not interested in.
(b) He decides to meet them all, one by one.
(c) He is embarrassed at the suggestion.
(d) He rejects all of them.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Treves believe has happened to Merrick as he has become more physically deformed?

2. Who wrote the letter that was published after Merrick's death?

3. During Ross' visit, what does Merrick compare himself to?

4. When Ross visits Merrick in the hospital, what does he ask him for?

5. Who does Merrick attempt to speak with about his readings in the bible?

(see the answer keys)

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