Eleemosynary Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Lee Blessing
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eleemosynary Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Lee Blessing
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the play open?
(a) Echo is spelling out the word eleemosynary.
(b) Echo hangs up the phone.
(c) Dorothea tries to make Artie fly.
(d) Echo explains how she was raised.

2. What trait does Artie say she has that makes her life so hard?
(a) She cannot remember details.
(b) She is too tall.
(c) She has freckles.
(d) She is unable to forget anything.

3. What was Dorothea's childhood like?
(a) Dorothea had a wonderful childhood filled with love.
(b) Dorothea felt worthless and guilty growing up.
(c) Dorothea's parents doted on Dorothea.
(d) Dorothea had lots of friends and was happy.

4. In scene 3, which character does the audience meet more fully?
(a) Echo.
(b) Artie.
(c) Dorothea.
(d) Dorothea's mother.

5. Artie has an inability to do what, regarding Echo?
(a) Keep her healthy.
(b) Drive her to school.
(c) Show affection.
(d) Talk.

Short Answer Questions

1. Scene 2 begins and ends with which character?

2. How old is Artie when she has her first tutor?

3. In scene 3, when does the audience feel happy for Dorothea?

4. Dorothea has ______________________expectations for her daughter.

5. In scene 2, with what does Artie say she has trouble doing?

Short Essay Questions

1. At what point in scene 3 do you think the audience loses sympathy for Dorothea?

2. Why is it ironic that Artie constantly drills spelling words to Echo?

3. Why do you think Dorothea felt little or no grief when her husband died?

4. Who is Artie named after and how does this name match her personality?

5. Why do you think Artie runs away instead of letting her mother send her to college?

6. What skill does Echo have, and how does this skill become a form of communication between Echo and her mother?

7. Why does Artie feel that she was Dorothea's guinea pig as she grew up?

8. What is the opening action of this play, and what does this foreshadow?

9. How are the 3 main characters related to each other?

10. What do you think the purpose of this scene 3 is?

(see the answer keys)

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