The Electric Michelangelo Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Sarah Hall
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Electric Michelangelo Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Sarah Hall
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What regularly claims victims among children and tourists?

2. What do the Ladies of Leeds do?

3. What do people know?

4. How does Morecambe celebrate the coming armistice?

5. What does Cy discover on Riley's body?

Short Essay Questions

1. Of what are Cy's earliest memories?

2. How does Cy's mother Reeda respond to his possible apprenticeship with Riley?

3. Describe Cy's first encounter with Riley.

4. What experience causes Cy to no longer be able to sleep under tight blankets?

5. How does Cy's afternoon employment foreshadow his future work?

6. What is the effect of alcohol on Riley?

7. What do you think is a boggart and how is it used?

8. How does Riley explain the colors used in tattooing?

9. Describe Cy's first interest in a girl and why it is disappointing.

10. How do Riley's and Cy's styles differ when starting a job on a client?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In Part 1, "Salvaging Renaissance," the narrator states that Cy's routine always begins with the question, "Ready?" It asks endorsement of the change Cy and the client are about to effect, an oral signature that Cy will match in ink on skin. Because some customers take the opportunity to flee, Riley berates Cy to comfort customers instead. Tell a story. Tell a joke. Saying nothing is bad form. Answer the following questions and write a well-developed, cohesive essay using examples from the text and your research or personal experience:

1. Compare and contrast Cy's handling of clients both in this part and future parts with the way Riley handles clients.

2. Which "bedside manner" would you prefer? Do you think women would prefer Riley's approach more than Cy's? Or vice versa? What about men?

3. Should Riley be trying to distract a client from changing his or her mind? Should the client not be distracted so that s/he can make a last minute change of mind?

Essay Topic 2

The following idea is found in Part 1, "Bloodlights": Symbols from sports, the religion of the masses, along with hearts and flowers are easily understood, but women and fish intertwined are something entirely different. The association is primal and instinctual. Cy can draw dozens of mermaids in a variety of provocative, sultry, saucy poses. The smell, taste and slipperiness of the territory men worship between a woman's legs are transformed into images as aphrodisiac as oysters. The designs have been perfected over centuries, half woman, half cunt-fish and eternal sex. Choose one of the following and write a well-developed, cohesive essay using examples from the text and your research or personal experience:

1. Respond to the statement above and answer the following questions: What does this statement mean to you? Is it sexist? Does it portray women in a derogatory fashion? Or set them up on an unreachable pedestal? Compare and contrast the way you think a man would interpret the above statement versus a woman.

2. Trace the image of the mermaid throughout the text citing where it appears and analyze the context within the situation where it appears. How does the image of mermaids fit into the context of the book as a whole?

3. In Part 1, Salvaging Renaissance, Cy thinks to himself that he would like to court some of the customers, but he knows Riley's rules of courtship are to learn to slap, grip, fist and dog-mount them. How is that statement like and unlike the one mentioned at the beginning? What does each statement say about Cy as a man? About Riley as a man?

Essay Topic 3

As the novel opens and then moves along to its conclusion, some characters seem to change more and some seem to stay the same. Choose one of the following and write a well-developed, cohesive essay using examples from the text and your research or personal experience:

1. Compare the character of Cy from who he seems to be during the first half of the book to the person he seems to be in the latter half. How is he alike? How different? Which "person" do you like the best? Why? How is Cy more alike and more different from Riley at the end then at the beginning?

2. Compare the character of Grace from who she seems when she is first introduced to how she seems after her hospital stay. How is she the same? How different? Which "person" do you like the best? Why? Has she changed more or less than Cy in the course of the novel?

3. Compare and contrast Riley, Claudia, and Reeda from who they seem to be when they are first introduced to who they are revealed to be by the end of the story. How much do they change or become who they really are? Or do they change? Who did you like at first and then dislike by the end of the story--and vice versa?

(see the answer keys)

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