The Electric Michelangelo Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sarah Hall
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Electric Michelangelo Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sarah Hall
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What regularly claims victims among children and tourists?
(a) The strange riptides.
(b) Morecambe's quicksand pools.
(c) The strange illnesses brought in through the port.
(d) The local pickpocket.

2. What does Riley accomplish in a year?
(a) Wills himself to death by alcohol, depression and starvation.
(b) Changes his studio decorations.
(c) Creates a whole book of designs.
(d) Teaches Cy the rest of what Riley knows.

3. What is different about Cy's mom from Cy?
(a) She had a loving, normal home, but Cy is raised in a boarding house of sick people.
(b) She speaks ten languages and Cy only one.
(c) Reeda Parks can see beyond the horror of the sick people in ways her son cannot.
(d) She is a Russian, whereas Cy is born in Italy.

4. Of what are Cy's earliest memories?
(a) A ship from India coming into port one day and the excitement of it.
(b) His mother leaning over his bed and singing him a lullaby.
(c) Laughing summer crowds.
(d) A pig being slaughtered next door.

5. When does Cy advance to freehand images?
(a) When there is no picture for what the customer wants.
(b) When Riley can supervise him.
(c) Whenever the "alpha male" is absent or more than one customer awaits one.
(d) When he is half drunk.

6. What amazes Cy?
(a) That someone so flaccid and bawdy can be so intricate and precise in his line work.
(b) That Riley hums hymns while he works.
(c) That Riley seldoms is aroused by his naked female clients.
(d) That Riley can be drunk and create magnificent tattoos.

7. What does Reeda think of Riley?
(a) That he is a drunkard, a Catholic and maybe a Bolshevik.
(b) That he is somewhat crazy.
(c) That he is honorable.
(d) That he is dangerous.

8. Upon what does the town council frown?
(a) On school being closed on Fridays.
(b) On boys younger than 10 on the beach without a parent.
(c) On the sick people Cy's mother nurses.
(d) On mixed bathing and skimpy outfits.

9. How does Riley die?
(a) Slips and cracks his head and drowns in the bay.
(b) Suicide by drinking bleach.
(c) Hangs himself.
(d) Is murdered by the man who smashes his fingers.

10. What does Cy share with his mother?
(a) Nothing; he does not really talk to her much anymore.
(b) His wages.
(c) A secret about Jonty.
(d) A worry he has about his father.

11. About what is Riley a stickler?
(a) Color.
(b) Payment.
(c) Hygiene.
(d) Design.

12. What can Riley accept?
(a) Riley's need for alcohol.
(b) Cy's need for a girlfriend.
(c) Horror, sin, evil and lunacy as truth on a par with the love of God and beatific goodness.
(d) Cy's need to care for his mother.

13. How does Cy respond to what he sees in the basin?
(a) Curiosity.
(b) Fear.
(c) Disgust.
(d) Excitement.

14. Of what is Riley protective?
(a) His privacy.
(b) His self-proclaimed genius.
(c) His tools.
(d) His pictures.

15. With what does Cy decide he needs help?
(a) Getting to America.
(b) Wooing the girl with whom he is in love.
(c) His chemistry homework.
(d) Learning how to do tattoos.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who comes to help Cy's mother die?

2. Why do women trust Riley?

3. What does Cy not know?

4. From what do most of the boarders at Cy's home suffer?

5. For what does Cy use the last of Reeda's money?

(see the answer keys)

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