Elective Affinities; Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 197 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elective Affinities; Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 197 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the Captain and Charlotte resolve to do regarding the landscape improvements?
(a) Place the entire endeavor on hold until winter is over.
(b) Expand the project to use up their extra household funds.
(c) Use their new landscaping expertise to begin their own designing business.
(d) Hurry the work so that Eduard's energies will be more properly restrained.

2. Who comes to visit the estate after the foundation stone ceremony?
(a) The count and the baroness.
(b) The prince and the princess.
(c) The mayor and the governor.
(d) The major and the general.

3. What do the main characters decide to do with the three lakes on Eduard's estate?
(a) Drain one of the lakes to irrigate the fields.
(b) Sell the land rights around the largest lake.
(c) Bring down the dams to make one large lake.
(d) Reinforce all three dams to prevent flooding.

4. During a stroll around his property with the captain and Charlotte, what activity does Eduard suddenly change his mind about engaging in, and why?
(a) He decides not to purchase a new team of horses because his carriage broke down.
(b) He decides not to go rowing on the lake because he thinks of Ottilie.
(c) He decides not to plant a new stand of trees because they would detract from the views.
(d) He decides not to ride into town because he cannot settle a debt with his architect.

5. How does Ottilie respond to Charlotte's mention of the Captain potentially getting married?
(a) She makes no response at all and goes about life as usual.
(b) She cruelly gushes about how the Captain will make a fine husband to another woman.
(c) She asks Charlotte directly about her relationship with the Captain.
(d) She becomes suspicious of Charlotte.

Short Answer Questions

1. What significant physical condition is revealed about Charlotte in Part I, Chapter 18?

2. What is the name of the peasant girl who attaches herself to Ottilie?

3. Whom does the master of the estate propose come to live with himself and his wife?

4. What activity are the married couple primarily engaged in at the beginning of the novel?

5. After hearing of Charlotte's physical condition, how does Eduard feel?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Herr Mittler, and what do Charlotte and Eduard ask for his help with?

2. What sudden action does Eduard take after the Captain leaves the household?

3. What is the general substance of the mason's address during the ceremony of the foundation stone of the pavilion?

4. What does Mittler do regarding Charlotte and Eduard's tense situation?

5. Summarize the letters from the headmistress and the schoolmaster.

6. Summarize the event which results in Eduard finding himself attracted to Ottilie.

7. Describe Eduard's and the Captain's interactions with members of the lower social classes.

8. Why does Charlotte object to Eduard's proposal of bringing the Captain to live at their estate?

9. How do the four protagonists' relationships change after Eduard evinces a passion for Ottilie?

10. How does Eduard explain to Mittler how he feels and acts?

(see the answer keys)

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