Elective Affinities; Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 197 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elective Affinities; Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 197 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What, in general, describes Luciane's personality?
(a) She is overly critical of everybody, directly to their faces.
(b) She is highly intelligent and beautiful and has a soft, compliant personality.
(c) She is reticent and argumentative, and people find her hard to get along with.
(d) She is energetic and attractive but can be annoying and ignorant of others' desires or needs.

2. What is Ottilie's relationship with the architect like?
(a) She easily gets frustrated with his incompetence.
(b) She disagrees with him about crucial design elements.
(c) She is madly in love with him.
(d) She treats him as if he were her elder brother.

3. Why does Ottilie avoid a path by the side of the lake?
(a) The path reminds her of her lost lover.
(b) She has been warned by the townsfolk that the path is cursed.
(c) She once fell from that path and hurt herself.
(d) The place fills her with dread and she gets a headache.

4. When Eduard leaves the place where he had been waiting for the Major, where does he go?
(a) The chapel.
(b) The main house.
(c) The lakeshore.
(d) The pavilion.

5. Whom does Ottilie summon for help as the tragedy unfolds?
(a) The doctor.
(b) The Major.
(c) Nanni.
(d) Charlotte.

6. Whose observations on the landscape of the estate serve to enrich Charlotte and Ottilie's experience of the land?
(a) Herr Mittler's.
(b) The Frenchman's
(c) The Englishman's.
(d) The Italian's.

7. What motion does Ottilie make that distinctly translates her desires for the future?
(a) Covering her face in her hands and dressing in a nun's black habit.
(b) Gesturing toward the cliff face and indicating she will jump off.
(c) Seizing Eduard's and Charlotte's hands and bringing them together.
(d) Going to the Major and kneeling submissively before him.

8. What is Charlotte and Eduard's son to be named?
(a) Edmund.
(b) Heinrich.
(c) Johann.
(d) Otto.

9. What is the general mood of the household when all four protagonists live there together again?
(a) It is almost, but not quite, like the serenity and tranquility of how things once were.
(b) The mood is cold and everyone is suspicious of everyone else.
(c) The atmosphere in the household is lively and filled with positive ambiance.
(d) All four protagonists find themselves completely contented with the new situation.

10. Upon what, to Ottilie, does her future rest?
(a) The strength of Eduard's love for her.
(b) Her calling to care for Otto.
(c) Her own courage and strength of will.
(d) Charlotte's decision regarding Eduard's plan.

11. What gift do Charlotte and Ottilie give the architect?
(a) A waistcoat.
(b) A pair of gloves.
(c) An engraved goblet.
(d) A pair of drafter's compasses.

12. What was the architect's reason for not wishing his drawings to be shown to the whole company, as Luciane had entreated and Ottilie had encouraged?
(a) Even cultivated people handle delicate works of art roughly.
(b) He fears his plagiarism of the original drawings will be discovered.
(c) Another guest expresses his desire to show his own collection of sculpture.
(d) He is modest to the point of embarrassment about his accomplishments.

13. On which procession of people does the new house guest, who arrived during Ottilie's artistic activity, exercise his craft and calling?
(a) The group of street urchins that live in the village.
(b) The brigade of young gardeners.
(c) The members of the local militia.
(d) The company of the estate's housemaids.

14. What mistake does Eduard make while leaving the note?
(a) He accidentally leaves the note in the wrong room.
(b) He forgets that due to a change of plans, Ottilie will no longer arrive at that place.
(c) He neglects to sign it, so Ottilie will not know who wrote it.
(d) He accidentally locks himself in the room which Ottilie will be occupying.

15. What does Charlotte agree to, in the midst of the tragedy?
(a) Suing the person responsible for the tragedy.
(b) Taking her own life and thereby atoning for her sins.
(c) Leaving the estate and live in a convent.
(d) Eduard's request for a divorce.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Eduard wait, at least for a little while, while the Major relays Eduard's plan to Charlotte?

2. Who is the Major?

3. What two things does Ottilie refuse to do?

4. What does the narrator consider to be the conflicting sides of Luciane's character?

5. What is the general substance of Ottilie's first journal entry?

(see the answer keys)

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