Elective Affinities; Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 197 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elective Affinities; Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 197 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Luciane enjoy doing with her many articles of clothing?
(a) Saving up the best outfits for special occasions.
(b) Giving everything away and wearing only modest, inexpensive fabrics.
(c) Dressing up as fanciful characters.
(d) Putting them in storage and never wearing them.

2. What is Charlotte and Eduard's son to be named?
(a) Heinrich.
(b) Johann.
(c) Edmund.
(d) Otto.

3. What was the architect's reason for not wishing his drawings to be shown to the whole company, as Luciane had entreated and Ottilie had encouraged?
(a) Another guest expresses his desire to show his own collection of sculpture.
(b) Even cultivated people handle delicate works of art roughly.
(c) He fears his plagiarism of the original drawings will be discovered.
(d) He is modest to the point of embarrassment about his accomplishments.

4. What are the conditions on which Charlotte offers herself to the Major?
(a) The Major must duel to the death with Eduard, thus proving the power of his love for her.
(b) She and the Major must be married right away so that she can try to have another child soon.
(c) Ottilie must be willing to unite with Eduard, and that Eduard and the Major leave the house for a time.
(d) Ottilie must never be turned out of their house but can never socialize with them again.

5. Which of Luciane's "experiments in moral regeneration" goes badly wrong?
(a) Her efforts to introduce a foreign friend into high society.
(b) Her education of a young peasant boy.
(c) Her attempt to re-socialize a mad young woman.
(d) Her endeavors to patch up Charlotte and Eduard's relationship.

6. What conflicting feelings continuously torment Ottilie?
(a) Fear and delight.
(b) Anger and acceptance.
(c) Living and dying.
(d) Wealth and poverty.

7. What is Eduard's state of mind after Ottilie refuses to be his?
(a) He is contemplative and begins scheming his next move to win her.
(b) He is in the grips of a frantic passion and is not thinking straight.
(c) He realizes he can have both Charlotte and Ottilie, so he is happy.
(d) He suddenly sees his wrongs and his future clearly and calmly.

8. How does Ottilie respond to Luciane's arrival?
(a) By becoming more talkative and energetic.
(b) By plotting revenge against Luciane for past slights.
(c) By sulking in jealousy.
(d) By going calmly and cheerfully to work.

9. Who is the Major?
(a) A cousin of Eduard's.
(b) A former flame of the Baroness's.
(c) A friend of the Count's.
(d) Formerly the Captain.

10. Whom do Otto's facial features resemble?
(a) Eduard and the Captain.
(b) Charlotte and Eduard.
(c) Ottilie and Charlotte.
(d) The Captain and Ottilie.

11. What is the long-term plan of the new house guest?
(a) To travel the world and write a memoir.
(b) To find a wife and settle down to a farmer's lifestyle.
(c) To take a high class position at the royal court.
(d) To marry and to take over the management of the boarding school.

12. What creatures does Luciane find amusing?
(a) Dogs.
(b) Elephants.
(c) Cockatiels.
(d) Monkeys.

13. What proposition does Eduard make to the Major?
(a) Eduard and Charlotte divorce so the Major can marry Charlotte and Eduard can marry Ottilie.
(b) The Major should pretend to love Charlotte, then ruthlessly abandon her to make her pay for her sins.
(c) The Major should facilitate Eduard's kidnapping of and absconding with Ottilie.
(d) Ottilie should become the object of the Major's direct amorous attentions in order to throw Charlotte off of Eduard's plan.

14. What signal does Eduard arrange with the Major to notify him of his plan's success?
(a) A messenger boy sent on a horse.
(b) The shrill blast of a trumpet.
(c) Cannon fire or fireworks.
(d) Smoke signals from a fire on the ridge.

15. What is Eduard's plan for his own future?
(a) He and Charlotte will remain married, and he will conduct an affair with Ottilie.
(b) He and the Major will slake their lust by means of other seductions.
(c) He and Charlotte will divorce, and he will marry Ottilie.
(d) He and the Major will swear to be bachelors forever.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the Major and Eduard first do when they are reunited?

2. What new feature of Eduard's character makes him more like Ottilie?

3. What is the general substance of Ottilie's second journal entry?

4. What decision does Ottilie make that breaks her usual care and good sense?

5. What event endangers the protagonists of the story?

(see the answer keys)

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