Elective Affinities; Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 197 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elective Affinities; Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 197 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What building has been completed for the celebration planned by Eduard and the Captain?
(a) The pavilion.
(b) The chapel.
(c) The stables.
(d) The moss hut.

2. How do Eduard and Ottilie unexpectedly prove their compatibility with one another?
(a) By engaging in a debate.
(b) By reciting a dramatic scene.
(c) By playing a game of cards.
(d) By playing music together.

3. What building do the companions find, with pleasure, that can easily hold all four of them?
(a) The moss hut.
(b) The main house.
(c) The pavilion.
(d) The chapel.

4. What is one notable pet peeve of the master of the estate?
(a) When others read over his shoulder.
(b) When others talk during meals.
(c) When others do not sing well enough to suit him.
(d) When others hum off-key when working.

5. What is notable about the letters Eduard writes to Ottilie?
(a) The content of the letters is illegible, mad gibberish.
(b) Charlotte intercepts the letters and answers them in Ottilie's handwriting.
(c) The letters always come back in the post as "undeliverable."
(d) Eduard also writes responses and signs them with Ottilie's name.

6. What becomes the focus of Eduard's efforts regarding the landscape improvements around the estate?
(a) Accommodating Charlotte's desired shapes and tones in the gardening.
(b) Privileging Ottilie's joy and comfort in the landscape.
(c) Obeying the Captain's directions regarding the precise placement of decorative elements.
(d) Conceding to the mason's professional opinion of the architecture.

7. What general plans do Eduard and the captain have for the estate?
(a) Improving the landscaping on a large scale.
(b) Cleaning up the grounds and house and prepare the estate for sale.
(c) Tearing down the old stables and erect new ones.
(d) Renovating the main house to accommodate Eduard's growing brood.

8. What habit does Eduard change as a result of Ottilie's presence and influence?
(a) His attendance at church.
(b) His recitation of the day's events.
(c) His habit of pipe smoking.
(d) His way of reading.

9. Early in the novel, what is the general feeling among the four main occupants of the household?
(a) They enjoy feelings of mutual affection and goodwill.
(b) They begin to suspect one another of adultery.
(c) They find themselves quarreling over minor matters.
(d) They increasingly want more time alone instead of together.

10. What is one subject of the guests and hosts' conversation during the group's first dinner together?
(a) The value of the farmstead and its surrounding fields.
(b) The new taxation structure favored by the monarchy.
(c) Ottilie's schooling and her future as a governess.
(d) Eduard and Charlotte's early love at court.

11. What does the male guest criticize about the estate?
(a) The general lack of aptitude of the servants.
(b) The mistress's planning and layout of the improvements.
(c) The boring, humdrum nature of the surrounding area.
(d) The master's indecent liberties taken with the serving-girls.

12. What do the main characters decide to do with the three lakes on Eduard's estate?
(a) Bring down the dams to make one large lake.
(b) Drain one of the lakes to irrigate the fields.
(c) Reinforce all three dams to prevent flooding.
(d) Sell the land rights around the largest lake.

13. What letter does the Captain keep secret from his friends?
(a) One from an officer which reactivates the Captain's military service.
(b) One from the Count containing a most promising job offer.
(c) One from the mason to the architect concerning the fleecing of Eduard's estate.
(d) One from Ottilie to Eduard that is salacious in its content.

14. Who comes to visit the estate after the foundation stone ceremony?
(a) The prince and the princess.
(b) The mayor and the governor.
(c) The major and the general.
(d) The count and the baroness.

15. What request does Eduard make of the person who visits him in his solitude?
(a) For the person's forgiveness and blessing.
(b) For a loan so he may buy a new house.
(c) This person's help in obtaining a divorce.
(d) That this person take a letter to Ottilie.

Short Answer Questions

1. What activity are the married couple primarily engaged in at the beginning of the novel?

2. During a stroll around his property with the captain and Charlotte, what activity does Eduard suddenly change his mind about engaging in, and why?

3. Where does Eduard live while away from his estate?

4. What is the general content of the postscript of the headmistress's letter to the mistress of the estate?

5. What do the Captain and Charlotte resolve to do regarding the landscape improvements?

(see the answer keys)

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