Elective Affinities; Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 197 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elective Affinities; Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 197 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What scientific subject becomes a main object of conversation between the hosts and their male guest?
(a) Astronomy and the movement of the solar system.
(b) Certain affinities between natural objects.
(c) The evolution of plant and animal species.
(d) Geology and its role in determining the location of mineral deposits.

2. How did the master of the estate grow up?
(a) Spoiled; he got everything he wanted.
(b) Lonely; he made no friends.
(c) Impoverished; he lived on the streets.
(d) Ignored; he was the youngest of many siblings.

3. How do Eduard and Ottilie unexpectedly prove their compatibility with one another?
(a) By engaging in a debate.
(b) By reciting a dramatic scene.
(c) By playing a game of cards.
(d) By playing music together.

4. Whom does Eduard send to speak with Ottilie in private?
(a) His valet.
(b) The Captain.
(c) His confessor.
(d) The architect.

5. What idea of the male guest strikes Charlotte like a "thunderbolt?"
(a) The man suggests that Charlotte and Eduard divorce so they may marry others.
(b) The man feels Ottilie is dull company, and he advises Charlotte to turn her out of the house.
(c) The man advises Charlotte to run away with the Captain since they are clearly in love.
(d) The man would like to recommend the Captain to a position with a high powered friend.

6. What subject do Eduard and his male guest discuss in the night?
(a) Their history working for the provincial governor.
(b) Their old amorous adventures at court.
(c) The fleeting constancy of their wives.
(d) The questionable politics of the Captain.

7. What building has been completed for the celebration planned by Eduard and the Captain?
(a) The moss hut.
(b) The stables.
(c) The chapel.
(d) The pavilion.

8. Who comes to visit the estate after the foundation stone ceremony?
(a) The prince and the princess.
(b) The mayor and the governor.
(c) The count and the baroness.
(d) The major and the general.

9. What does Eduard's note demand of Charlotte?
(a) That Charlotte keep Ottilie at the estate and not send her away.
(b) That Charlotte treat Ottilie as an equal, not as a lesser relative.
(c) That Charlotte send Ottilie to live with her great aunt.
(d) That Charlotte move away from the estate and live as a widow.

10. How does the narrator describe Charlotte when Eduard comes to make love to her?
(a) As a "secretly shy" young lover.
(b) As a "tempestuous and violent" harridan.
(c) As a "hotly passionate" experienced woman.
(d) As a "virginal and innocent" girl.

11. What very capable person, who takes over the work of the landscape improvements, is the Captain very pleased with?
(a) The architect.
(b) The beggar.
(c) The parson.
(d) The gardener.

12. What does the female guest find disagreeable in Eduard?
(a) His apparent passion for Ottilie.
(b) His treatment of Charlotte in front of guests.
(c) His lack of detail in the landscape planning.
(d) His inability to carry on rational conversation.

13. What event leads Eduard to begin to be physically attracted to Ottilie?
(a) Ottilie "accidentally" falls into Eduard's arms in the drawing room.
(b) They begin a secret correspondence in which they admit their desires.
(c) Eduard finds that she has written of him in her diary.
(d) They take the wrong path and get lost while walking.

14. Who does the mistress of the house think has a more-than-average interest in Ottilie?
(a) The male guest at the estate.
(b) A common peasant.
(c) The master of the estate.
(d) The schoolmaster.

15. What event do the men resolve should mark the celebratory finishing date of their various improvements to the landscape of the estate?
(a) Ottilie's birthday.
(b) Charlotte and Eduard's anniversary.
(c) The anniversary of the Captain's arrival at the estate.
(d) The death of Herr Mittler.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does the master of the estate propose come to live with himself and his wife?

2. What objects on Eduard's property are exactly the same age as Ottilie?

3. Which person is to be another guest at the estate?

4. How does Eduard plan to celebrate the finishing of the landscape improvements, as well as to show his affection for Ottilie?

5. What activity are the married couple primarily engaged in at the beginning of the novel?

(see the answer keys)

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