Eleanor Roosevelt: A Life of Discovery Test | Final Test - Easy

Russell Freedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eleanor Roosevelt: A Life of Discovery Test | Final Test - Easy

Russell Freedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Eleanor like about Louis Howe?
(a) He adored her.
(b) He asked her opinions.
(c) He was the most dashing man in the legislature.
(d) He introduced her to modern art.

2. Who was allowed into Eleanor Roosevelt's press conferences?
(a) Only unemployed people.
(b) Only female reporters.
(c) Only teachers and social workers.
(d) The media.

3. Who was Earl Miller?
(a) A political appointee.
(b) A state trooper.
(c) An activist.
(d) A reporter.

4. Where did Marion Dickerman invite Eleanor to teach?
(a) Columbia.
(b) The Todhunter school.
(c) The Friends School.
(d) The ghetto.

5. What did Eleanor attribute to Esther Lape and Elizabeth Read?
(a) Her political awakening.
(b) Her ability to speak up to her mother-in-law.
(c) Her triumph over shyness.
(d) Her devotion to her husband.

6. How did Franklin Roosevelt show his regard for Marion Dickerman and Nancy Cook?
(a) He built a cottage for them at Hyde Park.
(b) He paid for them to travel to Europe for political training.
(c) He wrote editorials in support of their causes.
(d) He donated money to their campaigns.

7. What was Roosevelt and the Democrats' position on the League of Nations?
(a) They were in favor of limiting U.S. involvement in it.
(b) They wanted the U.S. to run it.
(c) They were in favor of joining.
(d) They were opposed to joining it.

8. How does Freedman say Eleanor tried to convey her observations to her husband?
(a) In a light that would help him in the polls.
(b) In a light that would help the common man.
(c) As accurately as possible.
(d) In a light that would help women's rights.

9. How many men does Freedman say were killed in World War I?
(a) 500,000.
(b) 50 million.
(c) 20 million.
(d) 10 million.

10. What was it that paralyzed Franklin Roosevelt?
(a) A swimming accident.
(b) Syphilis.
(c) Polio.
(d) A stroke.

11. How does Freedman characterize conversations at the White House?
(a) There was always a respectful silence when the President and First Lady spoke.
(b) The President and First Lady would pick their visitors' brains for information and observations.
(c) Eleanor would throw people out of they disagreed with her.
(d) The children would interrupt Franklin or Eleanor Roosevelt if they didn't agree.

12. How does Freedman characterize the bond between Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt?
(a) Fragile and inconstant.
(b) Distrustful and disappointing.
(c) Passionate and intimate.
(d) Strong and lasting.

13. What does Freedman say Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt would do separately in their personal suites?
(a) Hold meetings.
(b) Strategize.
(c) Fundraise.
(d) Entertain.

14. How does Freedman characterize Eleanor Roosevelt's role in the New Age her husband was inaugurating?
(a) She was the motivation.
(b) She was the conscience.
(c) She was the legwork.
(d) She was the intelligence.

15. What did Eleanor refuse to give up when Franklin Roosevelt was elected Governor of New York?
(a) Travel.
(b) Teaching.
(c) Political activities.
(d) The Women's Democratic News.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Eleanor Roosevelt prefer to chauffeured limousines?

2. What did Eleanor Roosevelt co-direct with Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia?

3. Eleanor Roosevelt was criticized for advocating what political stance?

4. What communities did Eleanor Roosevelt provide political access to for her husband?

5. How does Freedman say Franklin Roosevelt's relationship with Eleanor changed in his second term?

(see the answer keys)

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