Elder Edda Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 86 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elder Edda Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 86 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the forest promised to Gunnar and Hogni?
(a) Wolfwood.
(b) Mirkwood.
(c) Miragnac.
(d) Asgard.

2. What was the name of the place felled by the slave girls?
(a) Olympus.
(b) Knui.
(c) Wolfbane.
(d) Valhalla.

3. How does Gudrun redeem herself?
(a) By promising to bear three sons.
(b) By placing her hands in boiling water.
(c) Gudrun does not redeem herself.
(d) By drinking a truth telling potion.

4. What is the name of the maid summoned by Gudrun?
(a) Svava.
(b) Sigrdrifa.
(c) Aylia.
(d) Saxi.

5. What is the name of Hogni's wife?
(a) Glaumvor.
(b) Herkia.
(c) Kostbera.
(d) Gudrun.

6. Who is the ancestor to all Seeresses?
(a) Beowulf.
(b) Vidolf.
(c) Gandolf.
(d) Loki.

7. Where is Gunnar thrown?
(a) Snake pit.
(b) Bog.
(c) Dungeon.
(d) Gallows.

8. What is Rig's real name?
(a) Rig.
(b) Erp.
(c) Kin.
(d) Heimdall.

9. How many days does the battle last with Atli?
(a) 8 days.
(b) 5 days.
(c) 3 days.
(d) 1 day.

10. What item could prove Gudrun's innocence?
(a) Runes.
(b) Valkyrie.
(c) Branch from Yggdrasill.
(d) Stones.

11. The author states that this Edda still brings sorrow upon which people?
(a) Elves.
(b) ZHsir.
(c) Gods.
(d) Fairies.

12. To what do Gudrun's sons compare Svanhild's death?
(a) A violent rain storm.
(b) A dragon's roar.
(c) Death of Sigurd.
(d) The force of Thor's hammer.

13. Who does not go on the journey with Gunnar and Hogni?
(a) Orkning.
(b) Solar.
(c) Kostbera.
(d) Snaevar .

14. To whom was the promise made?
(a) Prince.
(b) Odin.
(c) Frigg.
(d) Queen.

15. Odin tells the woman that she is the mother to three what?
(a) Dwarves.
(b) Trolls.
(c) Goblins.
(d) Ogres.

Short Answer Questions

1. Gudrun is, at first, unable to do which of the following after Sigurd dies?

2. On whom does Hyndla cast favor?

3. What magic item is to be operated by the slave girls?

4. What does Gudrun add to Atli's ale?

5. What is the name of Gudrun's daughter?

(see the answer keys)

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