Elbow Room Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elbow Room Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does the narrator say work in the neighborhood?
(a) Liars and cheats.
(b) Non-believers and truthsayers.
(c) Marketers who do not listen.
(d) A variety of evangelists.

2. What name does Fredricka prefer not to be called?
(a) Ricky.
(b) Freddy.
(c) Sister.
(d) Freda.

3. Who does Harold consult to help him with strategy?
(a) Brother-in-law.
(b) Police.
(c) Nelson.
(d) Wife.

4. In the story, what is said to be the only one book that offers a suitable religion for businessmen?
(a) Bible.
(b) Torah.
(c) Writings.
(d) Koran.

5. Why does Leon rush back to the breakfast room?
(a) To see what the Buglarian will do next.
(b) To talk to the Asians and encourage them to check their rooms.
(c) To find his wife.
(d) To gather together all the Americans.

6. What does the speaker say that everything has?
(a) A desire.
(b) A need.
(c) A purpose.
(d) A price.

7. What do the Redeemer's friends say about the Bible?
(a) It does not talk about the end of time.
(b) There is no true Bible.
(c) Everything in it is false.
(d) They should be reading it and respecting it.

8. What happens when Paul is transferred to Oakland, CA?
(a) He begins working in a mental hospital.
(b) He marries a black girl.
(c) He immediately asks for a transfer to Tennessee.
(d) He is attacked by a stranger.

9. What does Viola do when she meets Louis?
(a) Slaps him and tells him to leave her alone.
(b) Hugs him whispering that he is not worthy of her daughter.
(c) Embraces him but later slaps his cheek.
(d) Tells him to leave her daughter alone.

10. Why does the narrator value Ginny?
(a) For her beauty.
(b) For her wit.
(c) For her stories.
(d) For her mind.

11. What do the people chant?
(a) Overcome.
(b) No longer average.
(c) Rise and celebrate.
(d) No more.

12. What did Ginny do from the time she was 19 until she turned 22?
(a) Served in the Peach Corps.
(b) Served time in jail.
(c) Worked in a mental hospital.
(d) Was married to a man who abused her.

13. Where were the students given passports to go?
(a) America.
(b) Japan.
(c) London.
(d) Amsterdam.

14. About what does the woman who sits next to the Fosters complain?
(a) The countries visited.
(b) The people with whom she has to eat.
(c) The lack of conversation.
(d) The food.

15. Why was the narrator's favorite waitress fired?
(a) For preaching to the customers.
(b) For talking more than working.
(c) For not sharing in the side work.
(d) For overcharging customers.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what are Leon and Eunice summoned?

2. Why does the narrator head for the East?

3. Who reminded Rogers of a disturbance caused by Charles previously?

4. Why does Charles's lawyer want his crime to be called manslaughter?

5. How far away is the bobby station?

(see the answer keys)

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