Elbow Room Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elbow Room Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what month did Ginny and Paul get married?
(a) Novemeber.
(b) June.
(c) May.
(d) March.

2. What has Louis learned that Clair might do?
(a) Marry him.
(b) Leave the dinner early.
(c) Run for office.
(d) Act in a movie.

3. What does the narrator ask the missionaries to tell him without looking in their Bibles?
(a) Where he can find love.
(b) How to keep from committing suicide.
(c) What the purpose of life is.
(d) What the note must contain.

4. What is Paul's means of redeeming family?
(a) Music.
(b) Art.
(c) Reading.
(d) Writing.

5. What does Louis keep thinking of as he attends the dinner?
(a) Drinks.
(b) Women.
(c) Animals.
(d) Movies.

6. To what are Leon and Eunice summoned?
(a) The police station.
(b) A mansion.
(c) Breakfast.
(d) A business meeting.

7. What nationality does Leon think the man who summoned them is?
(a) French.
(b) Bulgarian.
(c) Chinese.
(d) Italian.

8. What name does Fredricka prefer not to be called?
(a) Freda.
(b) Ricky.
(c) Freddy.
(d) Sister.

9. What did Ginny do from the time she was 19 until she turned 22?
(a) Worked in a mental hospital.
(b) Served time in jail.
(c) Served in the Peach Corps.
(d) Was married to a man who abused her.

10. When Ginny apologizes for Paul to the narrator what does she accuse the narrator of doing?
(a) Waiting too long to approach them.
(b) Provoking Paul.
(c) Giving up his own faith.
(d) Being unwilling to forgive.

11. Why does Ginny protect her lucky innocent nature?
(a) To help her find her own identity.
(b) To keep others from knowing her.
(c) To heal herself.
(d) To protect Paul as well.

12. For what does Nelson claim to be a sucker?
(a) The white man's supremacy.
(b) Harold's price schemes.
(c) Words of Jesus.
(d) The belief that things will change.

13. How long ago did Jones first notice trouble between Charles and Johnson?
(a) 2 weeks ago.
(b) 8 years ago.
(c) 1 year ago.
(d) He never noticed trouble between them.

14. Who does Harold consult to help him with strategy?
(a) Wife.
(b) Police.
(c) Brother-in-law.
(d) Nelson.

15. Why does the narrator head for the East?
(a) Words have detached from emotion and passion.
(b) He is obliged to go there.
(c) It is softer there.
(d) This is the new Mecca and he is drawn there.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Paul attracted to Ginny?

2. What does Clair have a command of that Louis admires?

3. Why does the narrator value Ginny?

4. To what does the author say that great myths have been reduced?

5. What do Harold's children see that upsets them?

(see the answer keys)

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