El Deafo Test | Final Test - Easy

Cece Bell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 186 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

El Deafo Test | Final Test - Easy

Cece Bell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 186 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where has Cece's father been when he brings her back a present from his trip?
(a) At a conference.
(b) Visiting his sister.
(c) Visiting his mother.
(d) In Belize.

2. How does Cece respond when Mike tells her that her curly pencil was cool and that he does not know why its destroyer had taken that action?
(a) She says nothing.
(b) She thanks him.
(c) She asks him to jump on the trampoline with her.
(d) She turns away while he is still speaking.

3. What reaction does Cece expect from Martha when she goes over to show Martha her eye patch?
(a) She thinks that Martha will refuse to talk to her.
(b) She thinks that Martha will cry.
(c) She thinks that Martha will apologize to Cece.
(d) She thinks she and Martha will both see the humor in the situation.

4. How long does the Phonic Ear company say it will take to fix Cece's microphone?
(a) One to two weeks.
(b) Four to six weeks.
(c) Two to four weeks.
(d) Three to five weeks.

5. Which teacher conducts the Presidential Physical Fitness Award tests?
(a) Mrs. Lufton.
(b) Miss Garcia.
(c) Mr. Potts.
(d) Mrs. Sinklemann.

6. What is Cece's reply to Mike's question when she finally turns away from her imaginings of El Deafo and back to Mike?
(a) She says she does not like ice cream.
(b) She says she had just been thinking.
(c) She says that she just wants to be friends.
(d) She says that she is not allowed to go to boys' houses.

7. Whom does Cece's mother call when Cece shows her the broken microphone?
(a) The insurance adjuster.
(b) The Phonic Ear company.
(c) The audiologist.
(d) The Red Cross.

8. What adjective does the destroyer of Cece's present from her father use to describe the present?
(a) Stupid.
(b) Fancy.
(c) Fun.
(d) Ugly.

9. Cece decides that instead of telling anyone about her crush, she will perform what action?
(a) She will pray for her crush to like her back.
(b) She will smile at her crush every time she sees him.
(c) She will write her crush a letter.
(d) She will secretly spy on her crush.

10. What adjective does Cece use to describe Mrs. Sinklemann's status as a teacher?
(a) Strict.
(b) Rude.
(c) Fun.
(d) Awesome.

11. What adjective does Cece use to describe the summer she and Martha spend together?
(a) Terrible.
(b) Interesting.
(c) Boring.
(d) Awesome.

12. What quality does Cece notice about Ginny, saying that it is the same as always?
(a) Her way of speaking.
(b) Her smug attitude.
(c) Her ready laugh.
(d) Her snooty ways.

13. What other group does Cece say the physical education teacher thinks exists within the school, in addition to the athletic kids?
(a) The clumsy kids.
(b) The klutzes.
(c) Everyone else.
(d) The smart kids.

14. When Cece's mother goes to get a washcloth for Cece's eye, what does Martha say to Cece?
(a) Martha tells Cece that she might lose her eye.
(b) Martha tells Cece that she is never going to leave Cece's side.
(c) Martha tells Cece that she is sorry for injuring Cece's eye.
(d) Martha tells Cece that she has to go across the street to her home.

15. Though Cece says that during the summer she sometimes jumps on the trampoline by herself, she says that she usually jumps with which character?
(a) Mike.
(b) Martha.
(c) Ginny.
(d) Ellen.

Short Answer Questions

1. For how many seconds does Cece hold her flexed-arm hang?

2. Who approaches Cece while she is lying by herself on the trampoline fantasizing about her crush?

3. What does Cece loathe having to do each first day back to school?

4. In the visual depiction of the physical education teacher's treatment of the athletic kids, what is he shown to be doing?

5. Who is Cece's fifth grade teacher?

(see the answer keys)

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