Either/Or Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Either/Or Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is David unable to appreciate about the parable?
(a) David is unable to appreciate how the parable applies to his own life.
(b) David is unable to appreciate the hidden language of heaven in the parable.
(c) David is unable to appreciate Nathan's literary skill.
(d) David is unable to appreciate the time Nathan takes to convey the parable.

2. How is it said that married folk should live according to the author?
(a) In confusion.
(b) In never-ending bliss.
(c) In utter silence.
(d) In good understanding of one another.

3. According to the author, what is the lifeblood of marriage?
(a) All of these.
(b) Uprightness.
(c) Openness on a large scale.
(d) Frankness.

4. What is love according to the author?
(a) Selfish.
(b) Elusive.
(c) Cruel.
(d) Self-giving.

5. To what religion does the author say marriage belongs?
(a) Islam.
(b) Christianity.
(c) Buddhism.
(d) Hinduism.

6. What is the one the thing the author says he thanks God for?
(a) The mutability of his humor.
(b) The clarity of his vision.
(c) The imperturbability of his soul.
(d) The extraordinary refinement of his tastes.

7. First love is equivalent to what type of faith according to the author?
(a) The type of faith the haughty and vain have.
(b) The type of faith that believes there has never been anything but itself.
(c) The type of faith the poor have.
(d) The type of faith that believes itself capable of moving mountains.

8. To what kind of wedding ceremony does the author of the letter refer?
(a) A United Methodist ceremony.
(b) A Roman Catholic ceremony.
(c) A Presbyterian ceremony.
(d) A Danish Lutheran ceremony.

9. What happens to the person who profits by being secretive according to the author?
(a) He always loses.
(b) He is always tortured.
(c) He always wins.
(d) He always comes in third.

10. What does the author say he hates?
(a) All modern architecture.
(b) All purple drapes.
(c) All women.
(d) All imaginary constructing.

11. How does the author describe a couple's connection in a marriage of convenience?
(a) The connection is sexy and suffocating.
(b) The connection is safe but unrewarding.
(c) The connection is immoral and fragile.
(d) The connection is moral but shallow.

12. What are the excesses of the mystics according to the author of the letter?
(a) Attempting to help every person they come across.
(b) Praying all day and all night.
(c) Drinking and drug taking.
(d) Self-tormenting and annihilation of the physical.

13. To whom does the author compare the young man when he is ill-tempered?
(a) King David.
(b) Pontius Pilate.
(c) Mohammed.
(d) Herod.

14. Between what two things does the writer say there may exist a significant difference?
(a) There may be a significant difference between how the young man really feels and what the wedding is like.
(b) There may be a significant difference between the time the wedding is scheduled to start and when it actually starts.
(c) There may be a significant difference between how the in-laws are before the wedding and after the wedding.
(d) There may be a significant difference between the type of wedding reception the bride wants and the type of wedding reception the groom prefers.

15. From whom does King David hear a parable?
(a) The prophet Joel.
(b) The prophet Ezra.
(c) The prophet Nathan.
(d) The prophet Habbakuk.

Short Answer Questions

1. The author asserts that it might seem proper for marital love to begin with a kind of what?

2. What does the author say that the first love always is?

3. According to the author, what happens to the value of an original, or first, thing if it may be repeated?

4. What idea does the insane man, of whom the author writes, have fixed in his head?

5. What one word does the author say can describe love?

(see the answer keys)

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