Einstein's Dreams Test | Final Test - Medium

Alan Lightman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Einstein's Dreams Test | Final Test - Medium

Alan Lightman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the world described in the "3 June 1905" dream, how do people learn about the seasons?
(a) Through pictures.
(b) From books.
(c) Through notes from the dead.
(d) Through museums.

2. How can Besso tell that Einstein is making progress on his theory?
(a) The way that Einstein's eye look glassed over.
(b) The fact that Einstein has not changed clothes in three days.
(c) The dark circles under Einstein's eyes.
(d) The erratic way Einstein's hair is jutting out in all directions.

3. In the "17 June 1905" dream, why does the young man tell his lover that he cannot see her again?
(a) Due to a gap in time, she frowns.
(b) Due to a gap in time, she hesitates.
(c) Due to a gap in time, she lets on tear fall.
(d) Due to a gap in time, she grimaces.

4. What actions of Einstein's surprised Besso when he looked like Einstein does now?
(a) When Einstein came to Besso's home to care for him.
(b) When Einstein took a leave from work to travel with Besso on a personal health vacation.
(c) Einstein took Besso into his home and cared for him for a month.
(d) When Einstein quit his own job to care for Besso.

5. What can a person see from the cafe on the corner of Kramagasse and Theaterplatz?
(a) The Bernese Alps.
(b) The Zahringer Fountain.
(c) The whole city of Berne.
(d) The Aare.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where are Besso and Einstein sitting in the second Interlude?

2. What does the middle-aged man receive during the "2 June 1905" dream?

3. What are gaps described as in this world's time, the "17 June 1905" dream?

4. What happens to the people in the world, described in the "10 June 1905" dream, who attempt to quantify time?

5. Why does the man at the graveside ("2 June 1905" dream) not weep for his friend?

Short Essay Questions

1. In the 22 May 1905 dream, what happens for those who have not seen a glimpse of their future yet?

2. Why does the man at the graveside refuse to weep for his deceased friend?

3. What is the biggest problem associated with living in the 20 May 1905 world?

4. What is the young woman at no. 27 Viktoriastrasse doing right before she thrusts herself into the future?

5. Why do sunset and sunrise babies become frightened when the light changes?

6. Describe the way that time is experienced in the 5 June 1905 dream.

7. How does the narrator describe the phenomenon of people only living one day in the 3 June 1905 dream?

8. Why have some inhabitants of the 29 May 1905 world become frustrated and despondent?

9. Describe the cafe that stands on the corner of Kramgasse and Theaterplatz.

10. Describe the life of a "Now."

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