The Egypt Game Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Egypt Game Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Marshall notice while the others are performing the Ceremony of the Dead?
(a) There is someone in the alley.
(b) There is a storm rolling in.
(c) The Professor is watching them.
(d) The crocodile stone is missing.

2. Whom does April think is responsible for the answer, when she takes the paper from Thoth's beak?
(a) The Professor.
(b) One of their classmates.
(c) One of the other Egyptians.
(d) A stranger.

3. What do the Egyptians do after the first intruder lands in the storage yard?
(a) They scatter.
(b) They hang to each other in panic.
(c) They throw things at the intruder.
(d) They attack the intruder.

4. What do the Egyptians give themselves for the purpose of writing notes?
(a) A special seal.
(b) A special color of ink for each Egyptian.
(c) A special color of paper for each Egyptian.
(d) Egyptian symbols.

5. What does the Professor give April when she visits him at his store during Christmas break?
(a) A small replica of an Egyptian mummy.
(b) A book about Egypt.
(c) Two objects that belonged to his wife.
(d) A figurine.

6. What do Ken and Toby bring to Egypt after the children are permitted outside again?
(a) They bring a drawing of Ra for the altar.
(b) They bring supplies for Set's altar.
(c) They bring snacks for everyone.
(d) They bring scrolls they have been working on.

7. What do Ken and Toby ask April and Melanie after they learn about the Egypt Game?
(a) They ask if they can make objects for the temple.
(b) They ask if they can create a new game together.
(c) They ask when the game will begin again.
(d) They ask if they can invite other kids to play.

8. What does Toby confide to April and Melanie?
(a) He has been writing the answers to the questions posed to the Oracle.
(b) He goes to Egypt to perform ceremonies alone.
(c) He has been writing in the scrolls.
(d) He does not want to stop playing the Egypt Game because it is a refuge from his homelife.

9. What happens to the remains of Petey's body?
(a) It is mummified.
(b) It is buried in a shoebox.
(c) It is cremated.
(d) It is placed on a homemade raft and set afloat in a creek.

10. What does Marshall do when the police officers ask him questions about the attack on April?
(a) He answers the questions.
(b) He asks questions but does not answer theirs.
(c) He starts to cry.
(d) The session exceeds his attention span and he gets fidgety.

11. Why does Marshall apologize to April?
(a) Because he dropped her math book, and she still does not have it.
(b) Because he was not able to help her.
(c) Because he did not cooperate with her.
(d) Because he kept crying.

12. Why does everyone think something strange is going on in Egypt?
(a) Everything has been rearranged.
(b) A few of the Egyptians mention seeing a shadow lurking on the outskirts of Egypt.
(c) It appears that someone has been performing ceremonies while the Egyptians are not there.
(d) Someone also answered April's question.

13. What do April and Melanie think will happen with the boys' involvement in the Egypt Game?
(a) That they will grow tired of the game and stop playing.
(b) That they will become active participants in the game.
(c) That other kids will become interested in playing the game with them.
(d) That the boys will try to take over the game.

14. Where is Security found?
(a) At Marshall's house.
(b) At nursery school.
(c) At a lost and found.
(d) Under the statue of Set.

15. What is Toby's reaction to being in Egypt after the children are permitted outside again?
(a) He becomes bored.
(b) He is belligerent.
(c) He is energized.
(d) He is overzealous.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens that allows Melanie and April to return to Egypt?

2. What does April do when she visits the Professor at his store during Christmas break?

3. What is the story the Egyptians create regarding the demise of Petey?

4. What is Elizabeth's solution regarding what to do with the intruders?

5. What happens to the man who hurts April?

(see the answer keys)

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