The Egypt Game Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Egypt Game Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the names of the girls who play the Egypt Game?
(a) Melissa and Amy.
(b) Melanie and April.
(c) Melissa and April.
(d) Melanie and Amy.

2. What does April interpret as the sign to break off from the trick-or-treating group?
(a) A shooting star.
(b) A bat flying through the air.
(c) An owl hooting.
(d) A lunar eclipse.

3. What is NOT found in the structure where the children play the Egypt Game?
(a) A bust of Nefertiti.
(b) A chest.
(c) A bird bath.
(d) A statue of Diana.

4. What does the Professor do while April is in his shop?
(a) He arranges a case.
(b) He talks on the telephone.
(c) He watches her.
(d) He helps another customer.

5. What is the female head of household looking for?
(a) A babysitter.
(b) A reliable car.
(c) A job.
(d) Someone to move a cabinet.

6. What is the situation with the male head of household in the new family in Casa Rosada?
(a) He travels a lot.
(b) He recently died.
(c) He is in jail.
(d) He is unemployed.

7. What material do April and Melanie use to make their accompaniment to the Nefertiti bust?
(a) Plaster of Paris.
(b) Wood.
(c) Modeling clay.
(d) Papier-mache.

8. What becomes April and Melanie's shared passion?
(a) Ancient Egypt.
(b) Creating artwork.
(c) Movie Stars.
(d) King Arthur's Court.

9. Why do April and Melanie decide to place their "finding" where they do?
(a) So everyone can see it.
(b) Because it looks evil.
(c) To protect the items in the temple.
(d) Because it is convenient.

10. What is Caroline's profession?
(a) A secretary.
(b) A telephone operator.
(c) A librarian.
(d) A teacher.

11. What do the children call the lean-to?
(a) A temple.
(b) A pyramid.
(c) A hut.
(d) A tomb.

12. What is an old mixing bowl used for in the Egypt Game?
(a) For a headdress.
(b) For offerings to the gods and goddesses.
(c) For sacred fires.
(d) For mixing potions.

13. What happens during the ceremony the Egyptians perform after their long absence?
(a) The Egyptians notice something strange.
(b) The candles go out.
(c) Marshall starts to cry.
(d) They hear a scream.

14. What does Melanie find in the location where the Egypt Game will be played?
(a) A pyramid.
(b) A coptic cross.
(c) A bust of Nefertiti.
(d) A picture of the Sphynx.

15. What is NOT an activity in Egypt?
(a) Altars are built and decorated.
(b) Thrones are crafted.
(c) Animals are sacrificed to the gods.
(d) Rites and ceremonies are decided upon and written down.

Short Answer Questions

1. What month does the Professor witness the beginning of the Egypt Game?

2. Whom do April and Melanie run into while trick-or-treating?

3. When does the Egypt Game begin?

4. What do April and Melanie find on their way to school?

5. What is April's first impression of the Professor?

(see the answer keys)

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