The Egypt Game Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Egypt Game Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the four Egyptians' opinion about visiting Egypt at night?
(a) It is boring.
(b) It is scary.
(c) It is enticing.
(d) It is unpleasant.

2. What other interest do April and Melanie share?
(a) All things ancient.
(b) Boys.
(c) Cooking.
(d) Pioneer life.

3. What does Melanie like to do with pictures she cuts out?
(a) She makes collages out of them.
(b) She throws darts at them.
(c) She puts them into stories.
(d) She draws blemishes on them.

4. What becomes April and Melanie's shared passion?
(a) Ancient Egypt.
(b) King Arthur's Court.
(c) Movie Stars.
(d) Creating artwork.

5. How is April dressed when she meets Melanie?
(a) She is in a fortune-teller's outfit.
(b) She is wearing an Egyptian robe and headress.
(c) Her hair is in a ponytail, and she wears a t-shirt and tennis shoes.
(d) She wears her hair up, has false eyelashes and a fur.

6. What part of Casa Rosada does the new family inhabit?
(a) The basement.
(b) The first floor.
(c) The third floor.
(d) The second floor.

7. What is April and Melanie's friendship based on?
(a) They both have a great imagination.
(b) They both love poetry.
(c) They are both girl scouts.
(d) They are both socially isolated.

8. What item in Egypt is used to help the Egyptians decide what to do after their long absence?
(a) Runes.
(b) The guidelines written on the scrolls.
(c) The crocodile stone.
(d) A die.

9. What does April look at when she first visits the Professor's curio shop?
(a) Jewelry.
(b) Teapots.
(c) Figurines.
(d) Spoons.

10. Where do the four Egyptians join a larger trick-or-treating group on Halloween night?
(a) On Orchard Avenue.
(b) At the library.
(c) At the park.
(d) At Wilson School.

11. How does Melanie feel about the Professor?
(a) He is very likeable.
(b) He makes her nervous.
(c) He is mean.
(d) He is very knowledgeable.

12. What do the children use for altars?
(a) Boxes.
(b) Lawn chairs.
(c) Palettes.
(d) Cinder blocks.

13. What event happens in the neighborhood that places a temporary halt to the Egypt Game?
(a) There are some burglaries in the neighborhood.
(b) A girl from the neighborhood is found dead.
(c) Property is defaced.
(d) There are reports of a child molester in the neighborhood.

14. Where is the "artifact" placed in the area where the Egypt Game is played?
(a) On top of a rock.
(b) Under the lean-to.
(c) Out in the open.
(d) Under a bush.

15. What is an old mixing bowl used for in the Egypt Game?
(a) For a headdress.
(b) For mixing potions.
(c) For sacred fires.
(d) For offerings to the gods and goddesses.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Melanie reveal about herself during April's first visit?

2. What is the location for playing the Egypt Game?

3. Who are the first children that April meets?

4. What is another issue for April and Melanie about the new family in Casa Rosada?

5. What do Melanie and Elizabeth do that is counter to their initial decision regarding the new family?

(see the answer keys)

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