Effi Briest Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Effi Briest Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Living at Hohen-Cremmen, who does Effi wish she had as a companion?
(a) Johanna.
(b) Annie.
(c) Rollo.
(d) Crampas.

2. What is Effi's mother seeing a doctor about in Berlin?
(a) Her hearing.
(b) Her eyes.
(c) A chest infection.
(d) Her back.

3. Why don't Cristel and Friedrich move to Berlin?
(a) They are not wanted.
(b) They need to stay behind for their families.
(c) They dislike the city.
(d) They are too old.

4. How long has Effi lived in Kessin by the time she leaves for Berlin?
(a) Fifteen months.
(b) Two years.
(c) Five years.
(d) Nine months.

5. Who is Wüllersdorf?
(a) Annie's school teacher.
(b) The Innstettens' neighbor.
(c) Roswitha's secret lover.
(d) Innstetten's colleague at the ministry.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which poem does Effi ask Crampas about in Uvagla?

2. For which ailment does Effi's doctor recommend time away from Berlin in order to cure?

3. Rather than love, what has Effi's father always believed his daughter feels for Innstetten?

4. What sort of lessons does Effi sign up for with an elderly teacher?

5. What does Wüllersdorf say Innstetten should resign himself over to like everyone else?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do Effi and Innstetten go to Uvagla?

2. What do Effi's acquaintances in Berlin often swap anecdotes about?

3. What happened to Roswitha in the past when she found out she was pregnant?

4. What does the postman deliver to Effi when she is staying in Ems?

5. Why is Effi's return trip to Kessin from Berlin postponed?

6. Who does Effi coincidentally see on the horse tram, and what does she become inspired to do?

7. What does Innstetten ask of Wüllersdorf in Chapter 28?

8. What does Innstetten feel after learning of Effi's affair?

9. What upsets Effi about Annie's behavior?

10. How does Effi say good-bye to Gieshübler?

(see the answer keys)

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