Edward II: The Troublesome Reign and Lamentable End of Edward the Second, King of England, with the Tragical Fall of Proud Mortimer Short Essay - Answer Key

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Edward II: The Troublesome Reign and Lamentable End of Edward the Second, King of England, with the Tragical Fall of Proud Mortimer Short Essay - Answer Key

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Edward II: The Troublesome Reign and Lamentable End of Edward the Second, King of England, with the Tragical Fall of Proud Mortimer Lesson Plans

1. What plans does Gaveston upon returning from exile?

Gaveston, upon returning from exile in France, intends to create an environment of revelry and joy for the King. He wants to fill the courts with artists, poets, and musicians. He plans elaborate Italian masques, with courtiers dressed as satyrs and harts in the field for Edward's entertainment.

2. How are the nobles and Edward at odds in the first scene in the play?

When Edward enters with the nobles in Scene 1, they are already in conflict. Edward's father's dying request to the nobles was that Gaveston never be allowed back from exile. Edward's recalling him causes Lancaster and Mortimer Junior to threaten him, saying they will refuse to fight in his defense. Edward holds that he will not rule without Gaveston at his side, and the nobles - except Kent - swear to take arms against him.

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