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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 1, Scene 4, Part 1.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What noble rank has Gaveston been given by Scene 2?
(a) Duke.
(b) Baron.
(c) Knight.
(d) Earl.
2. Which vice does Mortimer Junior say is the "venom" that Gaveston has brought to the realm (I.ii.31)?
(a) Luxurious indolence.
(b) Unnatural lust.
(c) Common scorn.
(d) Ambitious pride.
3. What does Lancaster intend to do with the writ of banishment after Edward signs it?
(a) Frame it.
(b) Deliver it to Gaveston personally.
(c) Publish it.
(d) Burn it.
4. What does Edward swear to send Gaveston?
(a) Gold.
(b) Letters of love.
(c) Fine clothes.
(d) Reports of his revenge.
5. What are the nobles doing with the writ of exile at the beginning of Scene 4?
(a) Burning it.
(b) Drafting it.
(c) Sealing it.
(d) Signing it.
Short Answer Questions
1. What skill does the first poor man who approaches Gaveston for preferment possess?
2. To whom is the Bishop of Canterbury writing in Scene 2?
3. What city does Gaveston declare that he loves as he would Elysium?
4. Whose death is announced in the first moment of the play?
5. According to the nobles in seem to, how is Gaveston normally positioned with the King in court?
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